samedi 5 août 2023



First Saturday of August means that I'd like to post about a topic chosen by our stitching friends. This SAL is run by Jo from Serendipitous Stitching, it's about what you want to see on the blog. 

This month's topic is : Fairies

First came this cross stitched pattern from a spanish stitching magazine las Labores de Ana (a gift from Sheryl).

This darling was made in felt during a half-day DIY course in a shop which has unfortunately since closed.

I will end this post with a new project I could call "sea fairies"

Looking on the net for DIY stitching, sewing...
for my Tour de France 2023  on seas, ocean and rivers
I found a picture of lovely small characters made with carded wool
I had some in my stash I bought after DD3 learned about it during an autumn primary school class in the countryside

I needed some big shells and Cabourg's beach has been
generous with me 

The project is to make a small character with a wood head
hair and body in wool and maybe a hat

I'll add some metallic threads, glitter, pearl, sequins,
charms or small shells.
Here are my three WIP

4 commentaires:

  1. Thanks for taking part in The People’s Choice this month. Lovely fairies and such adorable baby sea fairies too! Have you ever read the classic English story The Water Babies? It’s very strange!
    Serendipitous Jo

  2. The sea fairies are very cute! I really like the cross stitch.

  3. How adorable the fairies from Spain are.😊
    The seashells you found and brought back become beds for the fairies.
    Nice idea.🙌

  4. Such sweet fairies, but those sea fairies are so adorable!
