samedi 15 juin 2024



It's always nice to make gifts, nice too to receive some
and use them in our stitching projects.

It's great and fun to show all this and the perfect place is
on Jo's blog Serendipitous Stitching on the 15th of each month
for the Gifted Gorgeousness post.

Cadeaux donnés ou reçus, toutes les occasions sont bonnes
pour partager nos coups de coeur et participer au "Gifted Gorgeousness"
de Jo - Serendipitous Stitching.

Back to birthdays cards, next to come are Capucine and my friend Marylène on the same day June 30th.

Then there will be DD1 and her son on the same day again July 14th.

For the kids, I have chosen to make pop up cards, a funny frog for my granddaughter and a camping tent for my grandson.

I have add some flowers and her name and age.

Retour sur les cartes d'anniversaire
faites maison.

Fin juin, Capucine et Marylène
puis le 14 juillet Timothé et sa maman

Cartes pop up pour les enfants
une grenouille pour Capucine
et un coin camping pour Timothé

more accessories for the camping set

Pour Marylène, cette armoire et mon aînée recevra sa boîte de donuts !

DD1 will receive a batch of cookies and Marylène this wardrobe.

Here is my "Dame à la licorne"

I have had my "half marathon day" on Thursday, 

maybe another half on Monday...

DD2 gave me a pattern from Heritage she bought in London for my birthday. It's a recent finish.

I have received from Clare the lovely pattern she made for the wedding of friends. 
I hope I'll be able to adapt it for the wedding of our cousin, thanks to Clare.

So soon, it will be one of my WIP.

Clare m'a très gentiment envoyé la grille
de la carte de félicitations qu'elle a brodé
pour le mariage d'amis.

J'espère pouvoir adapter le dessin pour le mariage de ma cousine.

Voici la robe au crochet en attente d'un dernier essayage.

Small progress on the crocheted dress, Capucine is coming tomorrow so I'm planning a last fitting.

Some news for my Tour de France 6th edition...

gift from me to you...   and from you to me if you participate.

I have made some progress on drawings and clues.

DH told me I should start it close to the real Tour de France which is leaving Florence on June 29th.

Which would mean a start on July the 2nd as the first clue will be on a Tuesday. That gave me two weeks to complete the trip. But sometimes it's good to have a deadline, so I'll post my introduction next Tuesday and we'll see if I can meet this deadline.

Quelques nouvelles du Tour de France  6ème édition.

Les dessins et les énigmes progressent. Concernant la date du départ, JB m'encourage à le faire démarrer en même temps que le vrai Tour cycliste c'est à dire début juillet car ma première étape doit commencer un mardi et les coureurs quittent Florence le samedi 29 juin 2024.

Cela me laisse une quinzaine pour tout boucler mais quelque fois avoir une date butoir peut avoir du bon. Je vais donc poster mon article introductif mardi prochain. A suivre...

3 commentaires:

  1. You are so creative with your cards! I love them all but my favorite is the wardrobe! What fun they must have receiving your gifts! The Tour de France gift sounds amazing, I can't wait to see what you are planning. Your stitching is beautiful, especially the unicorn, my granddaughter loves them right now! Happy Stitching!

  2. Lovely cards, the wardrobe is very clever. I like how you've adapted the chart for the wedding. We are in France until early July so I may be late joining the Tour. We've done a tour of our own driving with a few overnight stops to the Herault.

  3. I'm a big fan of the cards you make. Your idea is Doraemon’s pocket.😆
    I'm having so much fun watching , so the kids who received must be really happy.🙌
    I'm really looking forward to this year’s Tour de France.😄
