samedi 6 février 2021


 Welcome to the "People choose" SAL and this month stitchers wanted to see birds on blogs.

If you fly to Jo's blog, you'll find the list of the nests you can visit to discover beautiful birds with colorful plumage.

Let's start with the serie "les oiseaux brodeurs" from Brin par Brin

A new start for this new year.  Three colors only but already mistakes, When I finished the bird it didn't match with the leaves. I saw a heron taking a frog in my pond last week thought it was a good sign but I was wrong. Frogging again unfortunately.

Comme vous l'avez compris les oiseaux sont le thème de l'article mensuel
de ce premier samedi de février (ou plutôt dimanche) du You choose créé par Jo.
Survolons donc quelques broderies emplumées
grâce à de drôles d'oiseaux vedettes de précédentes ballades dans nos campagnes françaises.

Jardin privé - Village quaker

Tralala - tableautin d'hiver

waiting for a matching handtowel

Christmas ornement.

The colin cardinal from Brooke's book Advent Calendar (n° 13).

Un petit oiseau s'est posé sur le bord de la fenêtre pour le 19ème jour du calendrier de l'avent.
I designed a small bird on the 19th window of my Advent Calendar;

From Gazette 94, this free pattern "bird" - "oiseau" un gratuit de chez Gazette 94

A free chart offered by a stitcher on her blog.

This free "HIVER" "WINTER" from Gazette 94

Le fier oiseau du duc Harold au point de Bayeux

Let finish this post with this little yellow bird and his friend!

My eldest daughter wishes I could made some of those lovely birds
from a tuto of "Sostrene Grene"
I have tried but the result is not as great as the picture
I don't give up and will try again soon for a GG post!

5 commentaires:

  1. Lovely post, full of flocks of birds. Shame about the visit from the Frog Prince, though. Boot him out, I say!

  2. Thanks for taking part in The People's Choice this month. You really have stitched and created a lot of birds!
    I love the current WIP, the birds remind me of the birds in the Disney version of Cinderella, who help the mice make her dress!

  3. Sweet collection of birds! Wonderful post.

  4. A great selection of birds. I feel your frustration with your monthly birds. I don't know why but it for me it is the 'simple' designs that seem to need the most frogging. Hopefully it will be trouble-free stitching on this project from now on.

  5. What a fun post! I really enjoyed it! And I love how you organized it with the Disney pictures.
