mardi 2 février 2021


January is over and it's time to share our progress for the Wipocalypse update.

Here you'll find all the stitchers who are participating in Melissa's SAL :

Cross stitching / Point de croix

Cuore e Batticuore - Knitting

Où comment penser tricot sans paire d'aiguilles ni laine.

Une nouvelle grille de la série des Oiseaux brodeurs de chez Brin par Brin pour commencer l'année.

A new start on the 1st January from Brin par Brin 

Embroidery / Broderie

On the back red fabric of  Quand Noël s'en mêle - un chat dans l'aiguille : some stars (not all cause I'm short with the silver thread) and tiny gold buttonhole wheels.

Sur la toile rouge servant de fond de présentation de l'ouvrage Quand Noël s'en mêle de chez Un chat dans l'aiguille, on avance doucement avec les fils métalliques : des étoiles argentées et des roues festonnées dorées.

Dolls / poupées

Le corps de la robe en tricot pour poupée mannequin est terminé. Reste à réfléchir aux finitions : bretelles et fermeture.

The knitted dress is done, now I'll have to think about finishes -straps, closing.

Can't wait to start another one with wools with more contrasting colors than white and rose.

Pour les poupées Violette et leurs futurs sacs à provision, quelques nouveautés côté rayon alimentation. Elles sont réalisées avec les images de pub papier, le soude sac de la cuisine, des pochettes plastique, des tranches réalisées en feutrine et l'ingrédient mystère : une corde à linge !

For the fabric dolls, some news small purchases to add in the supermarket bag. First, an old  plastic clothesline found in the garage which will find an unexpected new life!

And felt of course, some small pic cut on paper ads and an old machine my Mum used to close plastic bag in the kitchen.

Always keep small felt "left over" you never know when you'll need them... for tiny salad leaves!

Now we have knacki, salad, ham and salmon, 

On the drawing table / sur la table à dessin

I told you that in 2021 will start a new Tour de France. This 4th edition will have for theme : "colors".

I have selected the towns, I'm now "working" on the characters who will guide you and on the clues which will help you to find your way.

Mon quatrième Tour de France est programmé pour cette année avec le thème de la couleur.

Les villes sont sélectionnées, je travaille donc sur les personnages "guides" et les indices.


The first topic of the year is : Tell us about a WIP on which you've really struggled to make progress. Explain its history. What appears to be the reason you're struggling?

I have already written about "Autumn" pattern, my oldest WIP, I struggled with the pattern, with the 1 on 1 stitching and now (my eyes) with the colors on the green linen.

Most often, if I'm in trouble it's because I have changed the design, changed the colors. Too tempting to move things to more personnalized ones. Can't see a clothe, a piece of furniture, a lamp,  without thinking : I would have chosen another color, another frame, add a drawer, change the closing and so on. That's why I must stay on the "right path" (close to the pattern with rigor)

2 commentaires:

  1. Lovely stitching but oh my goodness, that wonderful toy food. You really are so clever with your ideas for toys for the children.
    Looking forward to the Summer Tour this year. It's the only way I'm going to travel this year!

  2. I love the wool cross stitch design. I think the groceries for the Violette dolls is a great idea. I wonder how you will use the red clothes line.
