mardi 25 mai 2021



Have not found the department number yet, just rose your nose and take a closer look to his outfit.

...Hi! it's 7.30 am here, for those who are in front of a nice warm cup of tea (or coffee)... happy breakfast and welcome to the second step!

Bonjour, il est 7 h 30, pour celles et ceux qui sont en train de déguster une bonne tasse de thé (ou de café) joyeux petit déjeuner et bienvenue pour le départ de cette deuxième étape !


4 commentaires:

  1. Just arrived in Seine Maritime and going to have a look around.

  2. Bonjour! I've made my way to department 76 Seine Maritime. I've been reading more about the sculptor, Auguste Bartholdi, the designer of the Statue of Liberte (thanks to your August post from 2020). Now back to reading to see if gold is the color of choice. The reference town Colmar is in another department. back to the books!

  3. While awaiting our next clue, I´m off to see some art work of Monet at Le Havre.
