samedi 5 juin 2021


A look at the calendar and... it's Saturday, the first Saturday of a new month, June, it's time to join the Peoples's choice SAL.

With a flap of your wings, you will land on Jo's blog post here

and admire all those lovely butterflies.

Now you know the month's theme, let see if I can find some in my blog.

Nous allons papilloner aujourd'hui, premier samedi du mois, il est temps de retrouver Jo et de nous poser quelques moments sur son blog pour profiter du thème du mois : les papillons.

Un petit papillon rose sur Village Quaker. A small pink butterfly on Village Quaker.

Another one with this little fairy

autour des massifs de fleurs de la maison brodée

Une jolie jupe fleurie pour Violette, avec l'ajout de quelques papillons voletant autour d'elle.

For a skirt for Violette made with a flowered fabric, I add some butterflies which are "flying" around her.

Papilusion participa à mon jeu n° 2 lors d'une étape qui nous conduisit à Nimes dans le Gard.

Butterfree was participating in my first game, a step to Nimes.

Quelques papillons colorés se sont posés sur cette carte à secouer faite pour Soline.

Butterflies on this card for Soline and on a sewed fabric book for Timothé.

a blue one on the fabric I chose for my paintbrushes bag.

some little charms to end this post
they are waiting for me
(in the no-progessing bag) to come back
near this wooden fence

Now you can visit other bloggers, no doubt you'll see beautiful stitchings.

4 commentaires:

  1. You have many sweet butterflies. I especially like the little house!

  2. Pretty and varied work. I love the little fairy and the embroidered house.

  3. Thanks for taking part in The People's Choice this month. I knew you would have some beautiful butterflies to share with us. And a new fact about the bow tie that I did not know!

  4. Little butterflies can be found in so many designs! I did not know in French a bow tie was a Noeud Papillon and I am happy to have learned this! :)
