vendredi 7 avril 2023


 Welcome to the   Easter  Treasure  Hunt!

Bonjour et bienvenue à la chasse au trésor de Pâques.

Ready to collect letters, hopping from blog to blog...

Jo, who organizes this famous and funny blog hop, explains all the adventure here :

You'll find the list of all the bloggers participating, don't miss a letter!
When you'll be ready with an Easter themed phrase go back to her with your answer.

Etes-vous tentés par une chasse au trésor, certainement par celle que Jo organise chaque année et où elle convie ses amis blogueuses à collecter des lettres de blog en blog ?

Oui, alors vous allez devoir reconstituer une phrase (en anglais) puis retourner vers son blog avec votre proposition, si vous vous perdez en chemin vous trouverez la liste des brodeuses participant à cette amusante ballade sur Serendipitous Stitching.

Bells have left for Rome on Thursday and will be back on Sunday delivering Easter eggs in our gardens.

Storks deliver babies too...      they will, soon in a friend home.
That's why I chose to make a nest for a baby birth book, spring scrapbooking!

The next blog to visit is our friend Clare

Have fun    and   Joyeuses Pâques

Bells coming back from Rome will bring eggs in our gardens

Big fan of Cuore e Batticuore, here are some free patterns you can find on their blog.

10 commentaires:

  1. Oh that is an interesting tradition I didn't know about the Bells, I will have to read more about that... I know we have the absence of bells at our services from Mass on Holy Thursday until we celebrate the resurrection at the Easter Vigil so I'm guessing it's somehow related. Happy Easter

    1. When the kids were young, I used to play a record (a vinyl one!) with bells song to wake them from their naps get a basket to collect eggs in the garden. As we can see the church steeple from our house, the bells were flying so fast they always missed them in the sky.

  2. I have enjoyed my visit. Thanks for the letter.

  3. Always a feast for the eyes visiting your blog! Thanks for the free patterns! I hope you and your family have a very Happy Easter! Thanks for the letter...

  4. Such sweet little babies! Thanks for sharing the patterns, Momma and her chicks are so cute. Hoppy Easter!

  5. Thanks for taking part in the Easter Hop this year. I haven't heard of the bell tradition either but maybe it's a Catholic one as it involves Rome?
    Love your storks and the cute freebies too.

  6. Love the little storks, aren´t they gorgeous? Thank you for the letter. Happy Easter

  7. A stork delivery, how exciting. Thanks for the letter, happy Easter 🐣

  8. Happy Easter! Joyeuses fêtes de Pâques! Your stork nest is darling!

  9. Thanks for the letter! What a cute stork.
