samedi 1 avril 2023



First Saturday of April means that I'd like to post about a topic chosen by our stitching friends. This SAL is run by Jo from Serendipitous Stitching, it's about what you want to see on the blog. 

This month theme is :   subversive!

As today is April's fool day... what to think about it?

Well, that is not so easy...
Not sure what that means...
What could be subversive in my DIY?

Maybe this would fit!
Meaning something like, we are fun grand parents (=its rocks) but don't go too far we are not a nursery.

Pas facile ce thème de "subversif" pour l'article du "You Choose" de Jo et comme nous sommes le 1er avril, y-a-t-il du poisson au menu ?

Le seul ouvrage que j'ai trouvé dans mes broderies plutôt banales et sages pourrait être celui ci-dessus sachant que nous sommes ravis de garder nos petits-enfants qui ont dépassé maintenant l'âge de la crèche !

Je vais saisir l'occasion et enfiler, sans chausse-pied, mes bottes de sept lieues et en profiter pour vous présenter un jeu de cartes brodés de chez Filanthrope Broderies.

It could be the right place to show you some great work of stitchers linked to Filanthrope Broderies.

I love cards almost more for the iconography than for playing with them and the designer of Filanthrope Broderie had published a all set of cards with famous characters as queens, kings etc...

Here is Arthur aka Alexandre Astier - an actor from our famous TV show Kaamelott

stitched by Lynn Robert with one of his favorite quote "Pull your finger out"

Here is the video showing all the project of the game of cards.

Pour leur projet de jeu de cartes, Filanthrope Broderies a choisi un Alexandre pour son roi de trèfle... notre roi Arthur de Kaamelott, le bien nommé Alexandre Astier. Grande fan de l'acteur je valide ce choix !

Voici la version brodée de Lynn Robert avec une de ses expressions favorites. 
Ci-après le roi de pique David et quelques autres cartes.

Here is David the King of Spades and some other patterns.

1 commentaire:

  1. Thanks for taking part in The People’s Choice this month. I think your grandparents piece fits the subject well! Those cards are great too. What a clever idea.
    Serendipitous Jo
