dimanche 26 novembre 2023



Time to share with Melissa and the Wipocalypse family the projects we want to complete before the end of the world.

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Point de croix / Cross stitch
la dame à la licorne

Since the beginning of the Christmas countdown I'm most often making ornies, cards... so I'm focusing on "the lady with the unicorn" as my main stitching project. 

When I started the dark blue it wasn't so difficult as I thought it would be so I decided to go ahead and finish the color at the bottom of the pattern. I can't say that I feel cool stitching so stressed by making a mistake counting stitches I might have to become a rank by rank stitcher!

Count your stitches, check it twice...

La période pré-avent étant déjà bien occupée par mes bricolages de Noël je me concentre sur la dame à la licorne côté point de croix.
Ayant commencé le fil bleu foncé sur le bas de la grille j'ai décidé de finir cette couleur et ai bravement compté et recompté de peur d'une erreur de placement de points. On croise les doigts cela semble bon et je reprends maintenant le remplissage de la robe.

Measi gave us a question: What is your favorite way to finish ornaments and/or smalls?

I have some nice little square pendants made with Christmas patterns. I love to have some bag/pouch you use in every day life decorated with small stitchings too.

5 commentaires:

  1. You made alot of progress on the lady and the unicorn. Looks great!

  2. Beautiful work on your focus piece. Lots of great progress.

  3. No one but you will know about miscounts or misplaced stitches unless you point them out to them...I call small errors "personalization" and leave them in! Beautiful work... I find dark fabrics a real pain to stitch on

  4. Oh, great progress on all that dark blue! It looks lovely on the purple.

  5. Lovely progress on the Unicorn design. Stitching all the dark blue first is very effective.
