samedi 2 décembre 2023


First Saturday of December means that I'd like to post about a topic chosen by our stitching friends. This SAL is run by Jo from Serendipitous Stitching, it's about what you want to see on the blog. 

This month theme is  "chocolate"

So we'll start with a cup of hot cocoa
then with some cakes in felt : donuts, a double cream puff we name "nun" here (I remember my godfather always saying "sorry, sister" before eating the top).

Religieuse au chocolat et beignets
avec une bonne tasse de chocolat chaud pour ce dernier
You Choose de l'année

Continuons avec les versions papier des beignets nappés
et une boîte de bonbons assortis pour poupée

Chocolate nail polish for these tiny chocolates for dolls

For my cooking gnome I sewed a chocolate bar charm
on his hat

Pour ne jamais manquer de magnésium, mon gnome cuisinier
a pris soin de porter sur son bonnet une mini tablette de chocolat

Voici une jolie bûche 2023 pour rester dans l'ambiance
notamment cet immeuble Haussmannien de chez Bo&mie

4 commentaires:

  1. You are so clever with your crafting ... good enough to eat/drink

  2. Sweets without calories! Perfect!

  3. Thanks for taking part in The People's Choice this month. I knew you would have some delicious treats to share with us all! The doughnuts are wonderful.

  4. Just looking at your chocolaty crafts makes me hungry!
