vendredi 8 décembre 2023


    n° 5

Those past days I have focused on cards / ornies (wishing I could send my mail soon enough my friends get them before Christmas!).

Ces derniers jours, je me suis concentrée sur la fabrication de cartes et décorations en espérant ainsi pouvoir envoyer mes courriers rapidement pour une réception avant Noël;

On ressort les blocs d'illustrations pour y découper de jolis décors et les installer sur des cartes pop up.

Some pop up cards are on my working table, decorated with the cute characters I found in those paper bloks

First a small landscape 3D card

Un paysage d'hiver en relief avec au dos quelques voeux
façon boules suspendues.

With some kind of velum baubles in the back 

Then a cosy warm room in a folded card

Puis confection d'une carte pliée en angle
avec ajout d'une porte s'ouvrant sur un ami ours qui
apporte le sapin et un tapis aux franges en coton perlé

I choose a cardboard looking like wall paper for my room
and add a carpet with DMC perlé thread

Then I thought it could be fun to put a door and behind this cute bear
bringing the Christmas tree

L'anniversaire de Soline est le 31 décembre et se trouve donc entre la fête de Noël et celle du 1er janvier. Pour ces trois occasions à célébrer, pourquoi une carte demi carrousel, avec trois scénettes.

Soline's birthday will be on the 31st December between Christmas and the New Year Day so I'm making a 3 events card with 3 littles sceneries welcoming small cute animals.

To give relief I glue some thick carboard

Shaking ornies

I have cut some red cups and after trying to sew them with the sewing machine but I don't like the result so I'm sewing them by hand with a nice gold thread I bought last year in Lunéville.

I'll fill them with sequins and a small spoon.

Thought I could add some cream and finally cut the Chantilly shape in paper towels, small pink marshmallows and straws.

I tried to glue some glitter on the straws but it doesn't work and finally i made some oblique stripes like candy canes with washi tape and I like it.
Still have to add patafix to feel the holes and keep the sequins inside.

Hier Timothé n'avait pas cours au collège donc j'avais l'aide d'un elfe monteur de sapin !

Yesterday as there was no classes in Timothé school, I had the help of an elf tree builder!

2 commentaires:

  1. Fabulous work. Your cards are always special but the room scene is just amazing! I love the rug and the bear appearing at the door with his tree!
    Glad that you had a grandson and not a bear helping with your tree.

  2. Your cards are fabulous! The scene with the different rooms is so precious but I also love the shaker cards.
