dimanche 28 juillet 2024



Nous voilà arrivés à Allones.

Here we are visiting  Allones.   This town name sounding like :  alone.

Well done Leonore! And Toki who joined her on Thursday!

Département  72    Sarthe      as  in    Sonnet 72

Rappel des indices  /  Some explanations about the clues

Our guide was Mr  Shakespeare...   , don't feel lonely, together, 
then the quote from King Lear could give you the answer : we two (alone) will sing like birds in a cage.

Cette fois, notre guide fût William Shakespeare. Le sonnet 72, seul, ensemble et le mot manquant dans l'extrait du Roi Lear cité ci-dessus.

Bienvenue dans la Sarthe, ancienne province du Maine, près de la ville du Mans, renommée pour la course automobile des 24 heures, les fameuses rillettes et la naissance d'Henri Plantagenêt en 1133.

In this aera, you're in the Sarthe department, old province of Maine, near to the town of Le Mans, well known for the Car race "the 24 hours", charcuterie and pork rillettes and the birth of King Henry II in 1133.

Funny to link Maine street  and the  Maine state...

Un petit tour en cuisine avec les rillettes du Mans

Famous "everything is good in a pig"

Kite in Dieppe Festival

Back to our guid and the famous bookstore in Paris in the Quartier Latin, rue de la Bûcherie.

An old stationery shop on Boulevard Hausmann - Paris

Bothy Threads

Dove Prints

Shakespeare   en  quilt
Folger Shakespeare Library
artist : Patty Elwin Davis

Henry II  Plantagenêt   born in Le Mans in 1133.

and burried in Fontevrault with Aliénor of Aquitaine, Isabelle d'Angoulême and Richard the Lionheart

Un petit tour dans les environs

Some stitching exhibitions and the artist village of Malicorne sur Sarthe we visited in last April.

Isabelle Strutz et sa broderie participative     une carte (avec Allones)

La vallée de la Sée
et la vallée du renom

Isabelle Strutz is an artist, making wonders with fabric, maps, books, dresses, you'll find her work on Instagram as "madamedubocage".

What about   "alone"   in cross stitching?

We are not alone...

Great success in Paris theater in 2022

Please be back on next Tuesday!

A mardi prochain !   Comme il vous plaira !

5 commentaires:

  1. That was fiendish! Well done to the two travellers who arrived safely. I now have a better understanding of how your mind works so I shall try better this week. Lovely visuals in this post, a really treat for the eyes. I love the Bothy Threads design and the clever quilt too.

  2. A very tricky start, I'll have to try to pronounce French words as an English person instead of the French way. Well done to those who arrived safely, I enjoyed my detour hee hee

  3. I agree with Clare, living 40 odd years in Spain has made me pronounce words as a Spanish would, interesting game. I hope to have time this week to `study the situation´ . I´m Sheryl - why am I showing up as `anonyme´ ?

  4. Oh, what a fun trip to the town of Alonnes, I like it here! Love all the examples of crafting you looked up tpp, there was even a cross stitch pattern I have made before. I'm looking forward to the next etape this week!

  5. It was a very difficult problem. But as Claire said , detours are also fun.
    I love flying pigs. Shakespeare’s quitls are wonderful. And, I'm stitching a Bothy Threads Christmas kit.
    After stopping at an old bookstore, I head to the next town.
