This SAL is hosted by Kerry of Ramblings of a Biscornu
I wanted to be part of it, in February, my "to be finished in the month" piece was the figure I stitched for Valentine Blog Hop
the March theme is
March Madness -
Work on as many different projects in March - You could do one a day or have a day when you see how many you can stitch on.
(with a funny memory of the one I participated in 2014 with Heather Theme-a-licious).
On this mad list :
- Village Quaker / Jardin Privé
- Brin d'un jour : marché de Noël
- les patineurs/ice skatting / Cuore et Batticuore
le sol glacé est terminé, iced ground is finished
ajoutons deux travaux dont les progrès ont été présentés pour le GG
already shown progress for GG SAL
- tableautin d'hiver / Tra la la
- quand Noël s'en mêle / Un chat dans l'aiguille
Please visit Kerry here :
soyons encore fous pendant dix jours, une petite régate en vue...
10 days left before the end of this challenge...
what about sailing...
Good start on your March challenge! Have fun with the next 10 days :o)
RépondreSupprimerA mad month indeed! Hope you've had fun.
RépondreSupprimerThe Quaker piece is beautiful. Thanks for joining in this month.
RépondreSupprimerLove the Quaker piece as it continues to grow.
RépondreSupprimerBeautiful stitching on everything!
RépondreSupprimerVillage Quaker is lovely.
RépondreSupprimerBeautiful stitching! Especially Village Quaker!
RépondreSupprimerBarbara x
So lovely! I like the nativity stitching so much!
RépondreSupprimerDe jolis projets, Jocondine.