dimanche 27 mars 2022



Time to share with Melissa and the Wipocalypse family the projects we want to complete before the end of the world.

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Point de croix / cross stitch

Jeu de l'oie / Goose game

Since last month I have stitched one more goose, added some beak, feet, grass, numbers, water.

Feutrine  /  Felt

Around the pound project / Autour du bassin

First, I have introduced you to this little guy last month as a squarrel, two comments welcomed him as a fox! He wants you to be sure he really is a squarrel

I planned to make a fox anyway, here he is...

My big work was the tree stump, supposed house to be for next owls. How to transform ideas into something big enough for a family, not too big for the scale of the whole set

Sometimes I must say I was feeling making an octopussy (more a pentapussy) than trunk and roots.

Par certains aspects, j'avais l'impression parfois de coudre une pieuvre plus qu'une souche d'arbre

I had to cut an hole as the house entrance and sew twice tree rings (I first sew them round and realize its was wrong and ugly).

Aménager un trou comme entrée et des cernes pour la coupe de la souche.

I added some felted wool in the roots as forest foam. Un peu de laine feutrée pour simuler la mousse des bois.

Then I have to find a way to get the reeds stand up.
Cardboard straw with green nail polish, fingers crossed their weights wont be too heavy.

and it worked!!!
I'll let a space under the pond to slide the holder

Pour fabriquer une base où installer les roseaux, confection d'un support à l'aide de trois morceaux de pailles en carton peints avec du vernis à ongles vert, la plaque de carton sera recouverte de feutrine et glissée en partie sous la mare.

L'inconnue dans cette équation était l'équilibre de l'ensemble, je n'avais pas trop pris en compte le poids des trois tiges de roseaux, oups. Et bien ça fonctionne, incroyable ! Il faut bien qu'il y ait un ange gardien pour les bricoleuses.

Measi's March topic :  Tell us about a technique, designer, pattern or anything else in stitching that you'be been nervous or afraid to try.

I think hardanger have been a little scary, even if I was making my first work during a course with the good advices of a teacher. Never felt secure of cutting the fabric as for Richelieu embroidery.

Finissons par la traditionnelle question de Mélissa, cette fois elle concerne la technique qui nous a mis mal à l'aise ou effrayé lors de sa réalisation. Le hardanger, la broderie Richelieu ou les jours échelles, toute technique qui entraine la découpe des fils de la toile support !

2 commentaires:

  1. Lovely work on your Geese for the game. The fox and squirrel are delightful and quite different to each other.
    I'm also enjoying your progress on the pond and scenery.

  2. Your cross stitch game is amazing! You are very clever to have such an idea and to put it into practice!
    Yes I can see one is a squirrel and the other a fox! They are so cute. Well done!
    I’m with you, I’d like to stitch Hardanger, but I’m sure I’d be scared to cut it - I do have a little kit ready to try hopefully one day soon.
    I have enjoyed my visit here today!
    Did I say “ I love your cross stitch!”
    🙋‍♀️Barbara x
