dimanche 21 juin 2015
Some clues
78 on the box to C. KENT
(Yvelines n° department)
TdJ in the caddy and J xxx J on rabbit
embroidery hoop
http://toile2jouy.canalblog.com/ blog fan of TDJ
So, our "tour" is over, it was a great fun to travel with you.... See you soon....
Voilà notre tour de France terminé, ce fût un plaisir de voyager en votre compagnie, à bientôt.
I have loved so much to choose towns, read and learn a lot about them, collect information, conceive and plan the trip, choose the characters with a "train link", find little stories to organize each step, search for pictures or drawings I can take inspiration from (thanks to the internet). For those 13 steps : 39 posts, drawings, watercoloring, photographies, a lot of strange clues and twisted riddles, grammatical mistakes in English, laborious layouts (try again!),
so much fun to reed your comments, waiting for you to get lost... and most often really impressed by your clever first good guess, I have discovered other places with your proposal and loved all the details of your "quest".
Thank you for sharing those good days with me.
vendredi 19 juin 2015
mercredi 17 juin 2015
For this last step, all our lovely friends want to join us.... even if they don't really usually get on trains
Certains de nos amis non usagers habituellement des chemins de fer veulent se joindre à nous
à l'occasion de cette dernière étape
We are leaving Pas de Calais (62)
lundi 15 juin 2015
This SAL is a gift, if you hang around here on the 15th of each month,
you are used to check Gifted Gorgeousness SAL by JO

in the "key" series...
prendre la clé des champs...
barriers with mixed brown
and text in a DMC red 304
this is a rough cloth to stitch on (sometimes make me feel I'm stitching on jute from a potatoes bag)
but it's in the spirit of "field" in the meaning of the expression.
the second one is another "key"
which needs to be examined
through a magnifying glass
guess which one?

I received from Sheryl this lovely magazine of cross stitching
so kind attention
thank you
best medecine
with very nice "punto de cruz"
plenty of smart and elegant designs to stitch

My last progress on the kit
before assembly (and ironing)
for scissors holder for my daughter
"un chat dans l'aiguille"
point de chaînette, point d'araignée + surjeté, point de plume, point de feston, point de bouclette, point de gerbe,
(chain, whipped web, blanket, daisy stitches...)
As I've got many free times due to my broken foot, I started two ornaments for Christmas
according to a post of Clare - Aimetu's stitching for next Christmas tree festival themed JOY
you are used to check Gifted Gorgeousness SAL by JO
in the "key" series...
prendre la clé des champs...
barriers with mixed brown
and text in a DMC red 304
but it's in the spirit of "field" in the meaning of the expression.
the second one is another "key"
which needs to be examined
through a magnifying glass
guess which one?
I received from Sheryl this lovely magazine of cross stitching
so kind attention
thank you
best medecine
with very nice "punto de cruz"
plenty of smart and elegant designs to stitch
My last progress on the kit
before assembly (and ironing)
for scissors holder for my daughter
"un chat dans l'aiguille"
point de chaînette, point d'araignée + surjeté, point de plume, point de feston, point de bouclette, point de gerbe,
(chain, whipped web, blanket, daisy stitches...)
As I've got many free times due to my broken foot, I started two ornaments for Christmas
according to a post of Clare - Aimetu's stitching for next Christmas tree festival themed JOY
dimanche 14 juin 2015
DD3 great Final Fantasy Fan exceptional contribution for that drawing
Some clues,

62 painted on the train (Pas de Calais department)
3D cabin (see below)
La Côte d'Opale borde la France le long de
la Mer du Nord et la Manche
The Côte d'Opale is a French coastal region
bordering north aera, situated opposite the cliffs of
the south-east of England,
facing the English Channel and the North Sea.

Belfries are well known in this area,
the six valorous men were
the "Bourgeois de Calais"
Entrez dans l’univers virtuel !
Nouvel outil technologique et ludique, la cabine de mesures 3D a pris place dans le hall de la Cité.
L’idée est d’y entrer, comme dans une cabine d’essayage, et d’être scanné en une fraction de seconde sous toutes les coutures. Une carte indiquant vos mensurations vous est ainsi délivrée et vous permet de créer un avatar à votre image sur les bornes tactiles. Libre à vous de l’habiller avec des ensembles issus des collections du musée, de customiser une tenue d’échantillons de dentelle, puis de faire défiler l’avatar virtuellement sur le podium ou dans les espaces de la Cité reproduits en 3D.
Step into the virtual universe!
A new fun technological tool, the 3D changing room can now be found in the City’s reception area.
The idea is to go in just as you would in a changing room and be scanned in a split second from every angle! A card with your measurements on will then be printed out and you’ll be able to use it to create your own avatar at the touch screen terminals. You can dress it up however you like with the ensembles from the museum’s collections, customise an outfit out of lace samples and then send it virtually off along the catwalk or through the areas of the City reproduced in 3D.
.... AND COUNT TO..... 13th AND LAST STEP......
vendredi 12 juin 2015
mercredi 10 juin 2015
dimanche 7 juin 2015
Some clues.... Indices :
"en passant par la Lorraine" famous old traditional french song
(passing by Lorraine)

les 3 lunes du blason, the three moons
on the Lorraine blazon
la région aux 3 frontières :
l'Allemagne - Germany, le Luxembourg, la Belgique - Belgium
que j'ai choisi de représenter sous le symbole de la Triforce de la Légende de Zelda,
I chose symbol of Triforce in Legend of Zelda from our compagnon to figure 3 borders aera.
The "crunchy" spicy chocolated detail was M&M
which are the initials of "Meurthe et Moselle"
department 54..... ;)
M&M était l'indice croustillant de l'énigme...
11/2 - the sharp given was L N V L E
drawn in the game
you had to insert U E I L
then appears...... LUNEVILLE..... magic!
Very famous old technic of embroidery
Our faithful travelling compagnon Debbie will be the lucky one who will receive some surprises very soon.
For next week...
Finally, is it fantasy or reality?
samedi 6 juin 2015
Après presque une vingtaine d'année, le projet datant de 1996, la construction de la réplique de la frégate de la Liberté "L'Hermione" aboutit à son voyage vers les Etats-Unis d'Amérique;
In July 1997, the Hermione - La Fayette association embarked for a tremendous challenge :
the reconstruction of the HERMIONE frigate - the ship which allowed La Fayette to join the American insurgents in the struggle for their independence in 1780.
Rebuilding the Hermione means reconstituting of an element of our maritime heritage. It's the opening of a big construction site contributing to the economy and culture of a whole region Poitou Charentes.
Je vous invite à visiter le site extrêmement bien réalisé et à consulter les archives depuis 1997 qui vous permettront de découvrir les techniques employées et toutes les étapes de l'aventure.

Après presque une vingtaine d'année, le projet datant de 1996, la construction de la réplique de la frégate de la Liberté "L'Hermione" aboutit à son voyage vers les Etats-Unis d'Amérique;
In July 1997, the Hermione - La Fayette association embarked for a tremendous challenge :
the reconstruction of the HERMIONE frigate - the ship which allowed La Fayette to join the American insurgents in the struggle for their independence in 1780.
Rebuilding the Hermione means reconstituting of an element of our maritime heritage. It's the opening of a big construction site contributing to the economy and culture of a whole region Poitou Charentes.
Je vous invite à visiter le site extrêmement bien réalisé et à consulter les archives depuis 1997 qui vous permettront de découvrir les techniques employées et toutes les étapes de l'aventure.

Première escale symbolique pour la réplique de la célèbre frégate sur laquelle La Fayette en 1780 apporta le soutien de la France aux insurgés américains.
Yorktown, à l’embouchure de la baie de Chesapeake, a été le théâtre de la déroute anglaise en 1781 face aux insurgés américains commandés par George Washington, aidés par le corps expéditionnaire français comprenant Gilbert du Motier, marquis de La Fayette (1757-1834), le comte de Rochambeau et l’escadre de l’amiral de Grasse.
Plus de deux siècles et demi après l’original, la réplique de L’Hermione, devrait amarrer au son du canon et de l’amitié franco-américaine. Partie le 18 avril de l’île d’Aix en Charente-Maritime, la frégate a achevé ses 6 000 km de traversée de l’Atlantique plus tôt que prévu, touchant dès mercredi les côtes américaines, où le navire s’était mis au mouillage avant d’aller s’amarrer à la jetée de cette localité située à 260 km au sud de Washington.
L’Hermione doit annoncer son arrivée pour cette première escale officielle aux Etats-Unis par 21 coups de canon, auxquels une canonnade répondra côté terre.
vendredi 5 juin 2015
mercredi 3 juin 2015
mardi 2 juin 2015
Our new moon appointment with, en ce 2 juin notre rendez-vous avec Measi
Measi's Musings WIPOCALYPSE
Topic: Do you find yourself more productive with stitching in summer or winter?
Not really influenced by the season, summer could be busy in the garden with outside activities of course but I need my daily moment of DIY works (most often during lunch time in office), can't spend a day without feeling some fabric under my fingers or paper, pencils, scissors And anyway there is no season in my brain it's always spring for new ideas flowering every day (the horn of plenty being filled by blogs and internet's help now).
So, WIP:
Labyrinthe, some waiting time in waiting room...
Last month
Today update
As we are speaking of "games" in my list of DIY "games" are : labyrinth, parcheesi, children cubes, domino, snakes and ladders.
Called "JEU DE L'OIE" "goose game" I choosed a free pattern from "aupapotagedesdames.over-blog.com and try to adapt it to my fabric.

I try not to fall in the well before finishing all the squares.
Lace :I saw a mistake in the stitching of the third design so back to re-start the rank.
Progress on keys are kept for GG update on next 15th as well as gifts.
For those you travel with me in my tour of French towns famous for stitching
All the drawings are finished and posts ready to be published till June
I am sewing too, new tablecloth and napkin, bags and some help to cosplay new model for DD3 next Japan Expo in Paris. Pic for July next post.
It's time to prepare lunch... so... back to the kitchen : onions to be peeled :(
Measi's Musings WIPOCALYPSE
Topic: Do you find yourself more productive with stitching in summer or winter?
Not really influenced by the season, summer could be busy in the garden with outside activities of course but I need my daily moment of DIY works (most often during lunch time in office), can't spend a day without feeling some fabric under my fingers or paper, pencils, scissors And anyway there is no season in my brain it's always spring for new ideas flowering every day (the horn of plenty being filled by blogs and internet's help now).
So, WIP:
Labyrinthe, some waiting time in waiting room...
Last month
Today update
As we are speaking of "games" in my list of DIY "games" are : labyrinth, parcheesi, children cubes, domino, snakes and ladders.
Called "JEU DE L'OIE" "goose game" I choosed a free pattern from "aupapotagedesdames.over-blog.com and try to adapt it to my fabric.
I try not to fall in the well before finishing all the squares.
Lace :I saw a mistake in the stitching of the third design so back to re-start the rank.
Progress on keys are kept for GG update on next 15th as well as gifts.
For those you travel with me in my tour of French towns famous for stitching
All the drawings are finished and posts ready to be published till June
I am sewing too, new tablecloth and napkin, bags and some help to cosplay new model for DD3 next Japan Expo in Paris. Pic for July next post.
It's time to prepare lunch... so... back to the kitchen : onions to be peeled :(
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