lundi 13 mai 2024


Le mariage de notre cousine nous a donné l'occasion de passer quelques jours près d'Annecy et de profiter des premiers rayons de soleil en Haute Savoie. 

De jolies visites de châteaux, deux de plus à notre actif ! Une ballade sur le lac, la visite des jardins secrets de Vaulx et de la vieille ville. Très touristique la région attire beaucoup de monde et le viaduc de mai très tentant pour les vacanciers.

We had a cousin wedding near Bourg st Maurice so it was the right time to spend some holidays in mountains as it's about 600 km from home. We chose Annecy and had great visits : more castles... nice gardens.

We took the big tour, 1 hour and half around the lake cruise

Old town of Annecy

and the perfect place to have lunch. To taste a "tartane" for two : you can cook your meat on a warm "hat" and there are also eggplant, zucchini, bell pepper. They serve rice with cream, potatoes and three sauces!

A wonderful blueberry tartlet for dessert!

Découverte d'une très bonne table pour déguster d'une Tartane pour deux et se régaler d'une délicieuse tartelette aux myrtilles.

2 commentaires:

  1. The wedding looks lovely, congratulations to the happy couple. My Hubby stayed in Annecy for work many years ago and said how beautiful it was. The hat cooker looks amazing and your blueberry tart delicious

  2. Oh, looks like you had a wonderful time!
