Bravo, Hurrah

land's end = FINISTERE là où finit la terre (29)
Some clues .....
the flag named Gwenn ha Du,
the Triskell,
music instrument : the bignou some kind of bagpiper,
the name "Bagad Kemper" which is the name of Bagad (Pipe band) from Quimper,
the white ermine,
dolmen and calvary, newspaper n° 29,
Reverend refere to "abbé" (priest) and bridge means pont
Sans oublier de dédicacer cet article à monsieur Joseph PINCHON
dessinateur de notre chère Bécassine
de son vrai nom Annaïck Labornez (en 1905)
I have to dedicace this post to Mr Joseph PINCHON
who is the creator of our Bécassine in 1905,
our famous Breton housemaid as cartoon character
parue dans la "semaine de Suzette"
The character Bécassine is a young Breton housemaid, usually depicted wearing a green dress pastiching traditional Breton peasant costume, with lace coiffe and clogs. She is said to come from Finistère, the area most associated with traditional Breton culture. She is usually portrayed without a mouth.
Bécassine is a
comic strip and the name of its heroine, appearing for the first time in the first issue of
La Semaine de Suzette on February 2, 1905. She is considered the first female protagonist in the history of comics.
Seen as a stereotype and remnant of the contempt with which the Bretons were long seen, she is the typical provincial girl as seen by the more refined city people of Paris, the target audience of the young girls' magazine La Semaine de Suzette. But over the course of the stories, and coupled with the success she has, she is depicted more and more favourably. "Bécassine" is a nickname, derived from the French word for a number of birds of the family of the snipe, which is also used as a way of saying "fool" in French.
a avid collector there :
Visite au musée de Pont l'abbé, très belle exposition de costumes traditionnels en 2013
A visit in august 2013 in the museum
A bientôt...... ken emberr ..... Devezh mat
Nous ne pouvons quitter la Bretagne sans une dédicace à la maison Henriot
set de table assortis
Faiencerie bretonne réputée, maison fondée en 1690 - Very famous earthenware factory : HENRIOT
découvrez Pascal JAOUEN,
very famous embroider
Avant de quitter le far ouest..... une petite main malicieuse va tirer au sort deux participantes qui recevront une petite surprise. Post exceptionnel demain.
Before leaving far west (our Brittany), thanks to the six ladies who came with me in this first part of the journey. A very young hand will draw two names and some surprises will be sent in the next days. Special post tomorrow.
Ensuite nous nous rendrons à la gare pour rejoindre une province peuplée de petits animaux bien sympathiques.
Then we'll go to the station, don't be surprised to cross small animals.....
A mercredi prochain, See you on wednesday.