lundi 15 août 2016


It's a busy August with so many goals to reach,
on the 15th of each month, Jo from Serendipitous Stitching organizes her Gifted Gorgeousness SAL

So it's GG time updating...

Souvenez-vous, le mois dernier nous avons laissé notre petit renard sur la poche du bavoir,
mais aujourd'hui, il veut vous parler de sa nouvelle amie...
Remember, last month we left our sweet fox on the bib, but today he wants to tell you about his new friend...

The flower is a capucine.... which is the name of the baby

This gift had been made for my 47 days old grand daughter ..
How lovely to count in days...  (For fun mine is : 20925  )

Some po(in)ts added on Christmas Market

Quelques po(in)ts pour rempoter nos
petits sapins sur le stand du marché
de Noël

Gifts from the heart

this is a GG post with gifts received
from DD3  Tokyo trip
threads, fabric
and what she thought was a needle
minder and certainly is a magnet

Maybe can I try to transform it!?

De très jolis surprises
rapportées du Japon
des fils, du tissu
et un supposé aimant à aiguilles qui
est sans doute un bouton magnétique,
d'où un projet de reconversion

Back to needles now!

7 commentaires:

  1. Thanks for taking part in GG this month, the link-up post is up now.
    Love the fox and flower and all the little hearts too.

    I also like the idea of reckoning your age in days not years! I've got just over 18,000 myself!

  2. Love that bib! All your projects look great and what lovely gifts.

  3. I love all your projects, the colours are amazing. The big is super cute too. I hope the baby isn't too messy as it will be a shame to get pudding on it. :D
    xo Alicia

  4. I love the fox and flower on the big :o)
    Love the gifts from Tokyo
    Hugs xx

  5. Quelles jolies surprises venant du Japon. Et le petit bavoir pour ta petite-fille est mignon. Une capucine pour Capucine.

  6. The bib is so cute! What a nice way to do the Joyful World SAL. And LOL at your magnetic button. It is close enough to a needleminder. :)

  7. Lovely bib and the heart stitching.
    Great gifts from Tokyo.
