dimanche 4 juin 2023



Rhinau - département du Bas Rhin n° 67

LXVII  =  67  (look at the firstnames in the step 13/1, big brainstorming to find five sea creatures with the right first name initial!!!)

Le bac pour traverser le Rhin (très pratique pour rejoindre EuropaPark).

Spending some holidays in Alsace, our owners advised us to take it (it was very close to our rent and easier to join Black Forest than to drive to find a bridge in Strasbourg or Neuf Brisach). Funny too! And best of all you join Europark in a few minutes escaping the traffic jams.

Nageons avec de jolies sirènes

Our little mermaid...   Capucine in 2021.

I made this one from an old Barbie mermaid's tail for my own fishing game.

A smiling one by DD3 on the beach...


Ces jolies coquilles accueillent d'adorables lutins des mers
(j'espère en réaliser prochainement)

I have collected some nice shells and hope to make some of these soon.

Un petit client d'oeil à Sheryl...  vu sur le blog Sewing After Seven

dans une rue de Dieppe.      Seen in one of Dieppe street.

A Mulhouse, vous pourrez visiter le Musée de l'Impression sur Etoffes
voici donc quelques foulard et tissus d'inspiration maritime

In Mulhouse, there is a museum I have visited some years ago kind of archives of textil manufactured designs.

Couldn't miss it!

Toile de Jouy sur le thème de la mer.

Sea theme for the famous Toile de Jouy.

To end this Sunday post, a bloc of Jo's stitching
"Carriage House Samplings - Halloween at Hawk Run Hollow"

3 commentaires:

  1. I guessed desperately but couldn't go to Mules.
    I was casually eating madeleines in a completely different place than everyone else.Embarrassing…😅

    Your Capucine mermaid princess is so cute.🧜‍♀

  2. Gorgeous collection of mermaids here. Capucine is splendidly beautiful - what a pretty costume. I couldn´t join you all this week due to workmen knocking down walls at home and working right up to the day before my guests were due to arrive !

  3. How lovely to see you all here! That my block of Hawk Run Hollow but I believe it is also my Mirabilia Bluebeard’s Princess Mermaid too. It’s definitely my fabric and the slight change to the border I made!
    Serendipitous Jo
