mardi 13 juin 2023



**We are close to the end of this Tour de France, next week will be the final stage and arrival! We might have a small trip so I'm not sure I'll get wifi and be able to post so I'll give information about the 16th stage schedule in next Sunday post.**

Ceci est notre avant-dernière étape, l'arrivée est prévue pour la semaine prochaine mais il est possible qu'un petit voyage sans garantie de wifi s'organise au dernier moment donc je donnerai le calendrier pour cette seizième étape dans l'article de dimanche prochain.

6 commentaires:

  1. Making my way to Vitry-le-francois in Marne while awaiting more information.

  2. It's hard to been that our travels are drawing to a close. Thank you Captain for such an entertaining journey!

  3. Looking again at how the canals and rivers of France intertwine it is quite amazing. Back on the Marne heading towards Paris. Having reached department 02 Aisne and docked in Chateau Thierry it is time to explore.

  4. rubbing my eyes and charting for our destination, perhaps on track and heading to department 51 Marne, Vitry le Francois is our port to visit.

  5. So we’re off to Dept 51 to learn more about King François 1st?
    Serendipitous Jo

    1. 51 is better than 02, so please visit Marne department!
