jeudi 9 mars 2023



Two well-known sailors have already joined the port!

We are waiting for you to gather a valiant crew and cast off!

You'll have plenty of time to join us, the answer will be post on Sunday afternoon.

A lovely stitching I have seen on Jo's blog

Remember, we are sailing so we'll have to get on board in an harbour in a French department near the sea!  Department number was given in stage 1/1 last Tuesday.

N'oubliez pas que cette année nous allons nous déplacer en bateau, nous allons donc embarquer dans un port et un département près de la mer !

3 commentaires:

  1. Thanks to Trip Advisor, I found Algy's Bar in Le Touquet – Paris-Plage. Which I'm guessing is Touquet - Paris by the Sea/Beach and where all the elegant Parisian folk go for their holidays. Madame Macron has a summer house just across the road.
    The reviews are mixed, some people adore the place but this one made me laugh - "This was their response to our feedback : Maybe u may speak french in France if u want we pay attention after your madness!"

  2. Algy's Bar is in Le Touquet so I guess that's where you are, although there is no port in Le Touquet it is in Etaples where we have enjoyed a few holidays and sat harbourside watching the boats

    1. You're right! Etaples is the "real" port but Le Touquet is best known (easier for my clues...). Glad you had a good time there. We hope one day to enjoy the kite festival in Berck but it won't be for this year! xxx
