mercredi 15 mars 2023



It's always nice to make gifts, nice too to receive some
and use them in our stitching projects.

It's great and fun to show all this and the perfect place is
on Jo's blog Serendipitous Stitching on the 15th of each month
for the Gifted Gorgeousness post.

Cadeaux donnés ou reçus, toutes les occasions sont bonnes
pour partager nos coups de coeur et participer au "Gifted Gorgeousness"
de Jo - Serendipitous Stitching.

Let's start with the birthday cards or gifts

DD2 is born on early March and her two favorite designs are cats and ducks.
I saw a funny band of geese/ducks on the internet and wanted to try to make something similare for her.

Here are my three guys cut in white/orange light cardboard. Pairs of boots, scarfs and for accessories : a kite, a lantern and a free hug sign.

The last part was to make some snoods

The purpose is to "seat" them on a shelve, possibly all together.

Cats birthday card too 

Pour ces cartes d'anniversaire de mars, de jolis petits chats copiés d'un
modèle vu sur la toile.

L'occasion de fouiner dans les carnets
de feuilles décorées et d'utiliser ces
motifs géométriques en fond.

Envie de donner un petit air sympa avec de vraies moustaches
réalisées en DMC Diamant

Whiskers are made with DMC  Diamant thread

Tricot / Knitting         Happy Dance!

I finished the last square on March the 3rd! The top row is now complete!

There is now a LOT of wool threads to "hide" in the back and I might make a row of crochet all around.

Et voilà, 324 carrés tricotés et cousus ensemble, il me reste maintenant à rentrer tous les fils cachés derrière et probablement de réaliser un rang au crochet tout autour pour assurer un meilleur maintien.

Feutrine  / Felt

I have, now, two projects for the kids : a seaside landscape for Soline (I'd like to send for Easter) and a desert landscape for Capucine (recently added on my list as she found I had nothing for her in my basket!).

On the 10th for the FFG post, I have already shown some fishes and tree. 

Next step was to think about the sea/beach mat, I had stocked up felt : squares 30 cmx30cm : 2 beige, 1 blue (+ some leftovers from the pond), 1 turquoise and 1 glittery turquoise.

30 cm looked a little short for my beach and I already planned to keep the "waves" opened to be able to hide the fishes under them.

I was afraid of a wrong cut and thought only a drawing wasn't good enough to give a good idea of the all display. A model could be helpful!

Convocation du bureau d'études pour une évaluation de la situation ! La largueur de 30 cm me paraissait un peu étroite pour mon projet mais la doubler trop large. J'avais prévu de rajouter 15 cm de plage mais en réalisant une maquette pour éviter une découpe hâtive l'idée m'est venue de faire arriver les vagues dans l'angle.

and it was, it's how I find the shape I like (better way to take advantage of the supplies I got).

First I'm sewing with small hiden stitches the different parts (pictures of the back).
Don't know yet if I'll add small real shells, buttons to attach plants or tree.

With threads I could imagine
the shape of the future waves.

Tout s'est bien enchainé
l'idée de l'angle est parfaite
elle me permet de réaliser
les deux vagues turquoises
avec seulement 1 carré de
chaque couleur.

Parfait également pour simuler la forme des vagues
j'ai fait des coutures à point caché pour le sable et la vague bleue
rien de définitif puisque je ne sais pas encore comment
je vais réaliser les points d'attache pour le palmier et les plantes
et décorer avec de vrais coquillages

Can't wait to put what is almost ready together to see
how it works!

Une petite mise en place provisoire pour me donner une idée du projet 

From beach to desert...

Three cactus are in progress.

Coupe et montage de trois formes identiques
puis rembourrage

For this one, I chose different kind of beads for each side

To add accessories for the beach project I thought it would be fun to make a small kite and a fishing net.

I asked DH for some kite fabric to make a doll size one

and with a wire, a straw and a garlic bag made a fishing net!

Point de croix -  Cross stitching

Un futur cadeau pour un bébé annoncé pour avril, un bavoir à broder.

J'ai retenu la formule "A Table" avec l'ajout de trois petites bêtes en rappel du motif du tissu.

I wanted to do this ready to stitch bib as a friend is expecting a baby in April.

Colors have been chosen to match with the fabric and a reminder of the pattern with the three tiny animals.

It was more pleasant (with my eyes) to stitch Aïda but as I had some counting mistakes to take care of on the unicorn stitching, I have spent some times under the magnigying lamp.

4 commentaires:

  1. I love your ducks and cats, you are so talented, where do you get your ideas from, so very clever

  2. Thanks for taking part in GG this month. You have so many amazing ideas! The beach looks fabulous already. Those cacti are fabulous too.
    Is the French for whiskers “moustache”? What do you call a man’s moustache? It’s one of the words my son can say and he really likes the way it sounds!
    Serendipitous Jo

  3. Your ideas and creativity art endless!!😆
    I love your work full of humor and love.

  4. So many beautiful projects, I especially love the cats!
