samedi 24 août 2024


 Hi, before tomorrow arrival stage...

would you like to get into the time machine?

We are in June 2015, it's the very first Tour de France, we are visiting towns linked to embroidery, fabric, lace and our last stage is taking us to...

Un petit tour dans la machine à remonter le temps...

2015, premier Tour de France, avec l'idée de vous faire découvrir des villes connues pour leurs dentelles, tissus, broderies et notre dernière étape nous a conduit à...

Jouy en Josas    because it's in this town that M. Oberkampf built his famous Toile de Jouy company in 1759.

And on my wish list was the visit of the museum of Toile de Jouy!

Dans cette ville, en 1759 M. Oberkampf a construit sa fabrique de toile de Jouy. Notre plombier nous ayant fait faux bond, c'était l'occasion d'organiser une petite sortie et une visite de musée !

Our plumber has cancelled his work in the kitchen -and he is supposed to come next week-  so we decided to have a day off and go to visit the museum on Wednesday.

First part of the visit is a 19th century show flat like M. Oberkampf's.

Then you can draw

your own Toile de Jouy

Après la visite d'un appartement

dans le style XIXème

More explanations on the print method, dye plants...

One of my favorite design "le Ballon de Gonesse"

boats and the swing "l'escarpolette"

There is a special exhibition about horsehair very interesting, I'm keeping it for a next post!

Prochainement sur le blog un petit tour de l'exposition temporaire sur le crin de cheval !

2 commentaires:

  1. Oh, how interesting! I wasn't around for the Tour in 2015 so I appreciate the throw back.

  2. You have such lovely museums where you live. A great day out and very interesting to see the photos too.
    Serendipitous Jo
