mardi 6 août 2024



So you're looking for  "the chiffre".

Let solve this little riddle...

List the names of the six actors who played James Bond in movies.

If you totalize all the letters, you'll get the right number!

Vous cherchez  "le chiffre".

Résolvez alors cette petite énigme...

Listez les noms des six acteurs ayant joué le rôle de James Bond dans les films.

Si vous totalisez toutes les lettres, vous obtiendrez le bon nombre !

(amusante cette découverte fortuite qui tombe à pic...   serendipité !).

We are looking for a word.

Nous recherchons un mot.

10 commentaires:

  1. There were 7 James Bond actors but one only made 1 film so I missed him off and I have arrived in Indres-et-Loire. We were here in June in Loches but for now I'm enjoying some time at my favourite chateau, Chenonceau

  2. I have made my way to Seine Maritime but doubt that I will find the right town.

    1. Sorry 76 isn't the number we are looking for. (no first names in the list).

  3. I’m a bit confused as I have 7 007s!
    Sean, David, George, Roger, Timothy, Pierce and Daniel! I assume it’s first and surnames and A is worth 1, B is worth 2 etc?
    Serendipitous Jo

    1. Add only the letters of the names (not firstnames) as for CRAIG it's 5 letters.

  4. Hoping I counted correctly, I make my way to departement 37, Indre-et-Loire. We might be in Tours (tour), but maybe that is too easy...

  5. I haven't seen many James Bond movies, but I like the them music.
    I arrived in Saone=et=Loire department.
    However, I'm worried because it's so far away from Rennes. I counted the names hard and added them up, and the results was 71…

    1. You only need to list the surnames so the result is not 71. "Count the number of letters in each surname. The total number of letters is the number of the Department" Sorry if the translation to Japanese is not easy. But I'm sure you'll join us soon.

  6. Oh! Can I have another guess? Because of the 'no cash to win' comment, I had another look and now think we might be going to the town of Monnaie (money)!

  7. I made a big mistake again. Embarrassing.😳
    I counted again and got 37, so I headed to the Indre=et=Loire department.
