samedi 3 août 2024



Hi, I'm moving JJ posts to Saturday as Thursday is now the second clue post of my TdF6 stages.

Le Jeudi du JJ devient pour quelques semaines le Samedi du JJ, les étapes du TdF6 étant programmées les mardis et jeudis.

Three finishes for my Junk Journal, I have many WIP and like to work on each of them, slowly progress gave me time to think about the final look

Again an idea from the "Never endless page ideas for your JJ - Mini serie  ep 1" seen on the Paper Outpost YT video, I can put in my JJ with a  sewing theme : a nice shirt with lace.

DD3 gave me for my birthday some nice colored tracing paper and I have used the pink one to "cut" a woman shirt, added some lace -colored with ink-, some buttons made with sequins and a tiny organza pocket square.

The "must" have been when finishing the shirt I thought about the kind of paper I'll cut to make a note to put into it, dreamed for a nice flowered one I could see through the tracing paper and remembered one I used before for a birthday card.
And you know what, I still had a piece of that paper and no need to cut it because it had the exact measurements I needed. I love when the DIY Fairy is on my side!

Parmi les trois en cours terminés, le premier est une chemise faisant office de pochette. Réalisée en calque rose, avec une dentelle pour le col, des boutons en sequins et un peu d'organza pour la pochette. Très sympa à bricoler quand tout avance comme espéré jusqu'au carton intérieur coupé dans une chute qui avait les mesures exactes souhaitées ! Merci à la fée du bricolage de s'être penchée sur mon épaule !

Deuxième finition, la table de ma brodeuse. Le personnage sera peut-être amélioré plus tard, pour le moment j'ai seulement ajouté un bracelet. Mais mon idée d'ajouter des expressions liées à la couture. A défaut de pouvoir utiliser une machine à écrire de ma jeunesse... j'ai trouvé une police qui fera l'affaire.

Les bords de mes phrases ont été bleuies au pastel fixé à la colle vernis.

My "folding stitcher" (who got a new bracelet) had only a cross stitch on her table and I thought it could be the right place to add some sewing quotes. I can't use any old typewriter (like the Adler on which I was taught to type in the 70s) so a font will do it. 

The bluish color of the edges was made with pastel and fixed with glue varnish.

some details about the French quotes - sewing theme

le fil de l'histoire / c'est cousu de fil blanc  /  de fil en aiguille

the thread of the story  / sewed with white thread  /  from thread to needle

être fagoté comme l'as de pique / chercher une aiguille dans une meule de foin

to be dressed like the ace of spades  (frumpy) / looking for a needle in a bale of hay

être sur son 31 /  filer un mauvais coton

to be on your 31  (link to last night of December and be dressed for a party)  /   to spin a bad coton (meaning being in a bad situation which only can get worse)

Do you use one of these?

Making researches to translate this part of the post, I found a Bible expression : To pass a camel through the eye of a needle.

Faire passer un chameau par le chas d'une aiguille

Chez nous on utilisait beaucoup être raide comme un passe lacet !

Ma dernière idée sera une déco réalisée sur une ancienne pub de magazine. J'ai retrouvé ces 2 pages : veste / mannequin et j'ai eu envie de rhabiller cette jeune dame avec des chutes de dentelles de sous-vêtements, bretelles en sequins noir/or, ajout de boucles d'oreilles et collier. Le dos de l'image est couverte par une pub Givenchy "Hot Couture" tout à fait dans le ton.

I have kept some ads from magazines, this one is in two parts, first a black jacket and the second the top model selling underwears.

Here is how I have dressed her, a golden dress with sequins for the suspenders and a top made with lace from an old bra. Then earings and a pendant. The back of the second page is covered with an ad for a Givenchy perfume called "Hot couture" perfect for my sewing JJ.

I have been able to cut around the arms to make them show up above the skirt.

After some hesitation, I have finally chosen a charm from my stash for pendant.

After gluing some paper tape on the left edges to hide holes and scratches, I have added a back side with an add of Givenchy "Hot Couture" perfume from 2000 which is perfect for my sewing theme.

3 commentaires:

  1. Magazines and advertisements are great materials for making cards and envelopes. It’s a nice dress.
    I would also like to use colored tracing paper.
    Is it difficult to handle?

    1. The tracing paper can be fragile, the fold can be whiter or cut. It takes marks too.

  2. That dress looks much nicer than what she wore before, you gave her an upgrade for sure!
