jeudi 17 octobre 2024

mercredi 16 octobre 2024



It's always nice to make gifts, nice too to receive some
and use them in our stitching projects.

It's great and fun to show all this and the perfect place is
on Jo's blog Serendipitous Stitching on the 15th of each month
for the Gifted Gorgeousness post.

Cadeaux donnés ou reçus, toutes les occasions sont bonnes
pour partager nos coups de coeur et participer au "Gifted Gorgeousness"
de Jo - Serendipitous Stitching.

Two birthdays in early November, so I'm making cards.

Something new for my DSiL1, a cocktail card...

I have some nice glitter effect and holographic papers, so I cut glasses (foot are cut in golden and silver cardboard from smalked fish) and add a cocktail umbrella.

I had this idea of a "pop up wish" so you can take off the inside part holding the straw or the felt olive and turn it to read the back.

Now what about a shaker for inside wishes, so here it is. I made it in the same way that I made my honey pot, you can take off the lid. On the back of the starred paper are written wishes like a cocktail recipe : a pinch of, dose of (humor) 

Fun to make and it reminded me those lovely glasses seen in a shop window during holiday in Brittany.

Une nouvelle carte d'anniversaire à confectionner pour début novembre. J'ai eu envie d'utiliser de jolis papiers brillants et holographiques de mon stock pour découper des verres à cocktail. L'idée étant de pouvoir retirer le contenu grâce à la paille et au bâtonnet à olive pour écrire un petit mot sur l'arrière.
Quant à l'intérieur de la carte, j'y ai disposé un coquetelier avec un couvercle amovible permettant d'écrire des voeux façon recette sur le carton étoilé : une pincée de, une bonne dose (d'humour), un

Quelques avancées sur mes point de croix : sur toile pour la Dame à la licorne et sur carton pour the Spirit of Christmas Carol.

My "lady with the unicorn" is progressing, today my eyes were ok to stitch dark blue so more dark blue in the foliage. The kit is a gift from DD3.

Another gift from E-A, the Spirit of Christmas Carol, more stitches on the skirt.

I always buy new fabric for a table clothe in the shop in Riquewihr where they sell large piece. We used to come close to Christmas so there is a lovely display of that thick fabric looking like Jacquart but this year no problem of choice as they were near to all sold out during our September holidays.

I bought this green and ivory fabric and have only to make hems.

I took the mesurements but forgot the fabric was 240 cm large so back home I could see that I could cut two table clothes and as DH don't stop saying that the back of the fabric is really nice too I'll sew the second one upside down, nobody will notice!

Une visite obligatoire à Riquewihr, le marchand de tissus au mètre avec ses belles étoffes. Cette année peu de choix lié à la période, les stocks sont presque épuisés en septembre. Mais j'ai pu acheté ce joli motif vert qui me convient tout à fait. La grande largeur en 240 cm va me permettre de confectionner deux belles nappes.

Two felt cakes now, as gifts for Soline. She told me that she plays kind of wedding parties with her dolls so charlotte and pièce montée will be on their next menus.

I needed a box to protect the cake, I made it in a cheese box with the help of my washi tape.

The pièce montée is made with tiny balls in felt, seven ranks I chose not to glue so she can serve them.
I found two small plastic queen and king, as beans of the galette des rois (epiphany cake?), so I cut crowns and some parts of the royal dresses to make them look close to a couple for the top of my wedding cake!

I also made a box to carry it and cut kind of a cover to keep it in place.

My Countdown to Christmas will come soon but I had to have an early start for a special gift. We are planning to visit my cousin in a few days and it means I'll see Soline and will bring some gifts for the 8 years old girl. So close to the advent season I thought it could be the only occasion to make an advent calendar to her. Easier to deliver a parcel to her Mum to keep and give it to her on December the 1rst.

Which means 24 smalls presents, most of them Christmas DIY crafts to share the advent days preparing the holiday season.

Some ideas taken in my own list of DIY ornies like the small reindeers as place card, woven paper hearts, crocheted tree or a stitched tree.

and some new ideas seen on the net or YT tuto like folded Christmas trees, advent wreast, candle covers, fox with pine cones, saint Nicolas bookmark or gifts tags.

I'm cutting the papers ready to glue, so she'll only have to add decorations or her finish touch.

I have also bought some candies, fabric supplies and ornaments.

Every day a pocket with a kind of kit and a letter with explanations.

Pour terminer, un projet inattendu lié à notre future visite chez ma cousine et l'occasion d'apporter quelques surprises à Soline. Si près de l'avent ce serait dommage de ne pas en profiter pour un calendrier bricolage de Noël. Cela va impliquer 24 kits inspirés de mes décos traditionnelles plus quelques inédits : couronne, photophores, renard en pomme de pin, marque page Saint Nicolas.

mardi 15 octobre 2024

dimanche 13 octobre 2024



Département  89  Yonne   (100 -  11  pages to print /  petite soustraction pour trouver le bon nombre).

The town name is :    Tonnerre                 sounding like   toner

tonnerre  meaning  thunder   for us.

Rappel des indices : plus d'encre donc plus de toner dans l'imprimante!
Avec l'orage pourrait venir le tonnerre.

Some explanations about the clues : no more ink so no more toner in the printer!  Lightnings, storm linking to thunder.

Sheryl and Leonore suggested it could be "Pourrain" town, such a great idea. I love how you found other cities which could go with my clues...
Well done to Toki!

Our guides were : Harry Potter and his friends 

Third participation to my Tour, as they already were my guests in my very first Tour for the stage to Lyon then in the second to join Monsieur de la Fontaine in Château Thierry.


Cette fois, nos guides furent Harry Potter et ses amis. Troisième participation puisque déjà invités lors de mon tout premier Tour à l'occasion de l'étape de Lyon puis lors du deuxième pour rejoindre Château Thierry.

My last tunnel book for DSiL1.

Tonnerre :  la Fosse Dionne  le lavoir de 1758     in Latin  Fons Divina

Tonnerre meaning thunder, it's time for a weather report...

Thunder is inspiring a lot of legends, heroes, stories

More surprising maybe...   reindeers...   it's Christmas in October

as Donner  is named Tonnerre here

Plus étonnants ces rennes du Père Noël représentés par Donner nommé Tonnerre chez nous.

"Entends-tu le tonnerre qui roule en s'approchant"

cette phrase résonne dans nos mémoires rappelant la comptine chantée  Il pleut, il pleut bergère.

A childhood memory with this song "It's raining, it's raining sheperdess : do you hear the thunder that rolls as it approaches.

Thunder Bay in Ontario, Canada

A famous historical character is born in Tonnerre in 1728 : 
le Chevalier d'Eon

Diplomat, soldier and spy of the King Louis XV, he died in London in 1810. He spent many years of his life living like a woman.

The Burdett-Coutts Memorial at St Pancras Gardens in London commemorates d'Éon as well as other people

What about a little car ride in a Ford
listening dear Tina singing the Thunderdome on the radio. 

Que diriez-vous d'un petit tour en Ford décapotable
écoutant notre chère Tina chanter the Thunderdome à la radio

Tonnerre de Brest ! C'est déjà l'heure de nous quitter
un dernier petit éclair avant de partir...

"Tonnerre de Brest"  one of the favorite exclamation of Captain Haddock

maybe one more chocolate éclair before you go?

Please be back on next Tuesday

A mardi prochain !