samedi 23 juin 2018


As I told you I'm in Britain, the small one, the French one, the "Bretagne".
Not far from Brocéliande wood, Merlin and fairy Viviane land's.

There is many  haunted houses and castles here too so I brought my Halloween stitching with me.

I knew it will please the witch and the ghost who finally has regained his sight..
Wasn"t very pleasant to grope? the bedroom door by testing the wall through his white sheet.

Un petit coucou de Bretagne où non loin des terres de Merlin et de la Fée Viviane, près de la forêt de Brocéliande nous passons d'agréables vacances.

We had a very nice little journey by boat from Locmariaquer to l'Ile aux moines.
Some pictures to share

                                                   Au revoir, Kenavo, Good Bye...

samedi 16 juin 2018


It's Jo who organizes the Gifted Gorgeousness on the 15th of each month :
here is the link to her blog, you'll see there a lot of pretty works stitched as gifts or made with fabric, threads, charts received as gifts.

Some progress on "Family"   the text is finished, now I have to stitch the shape of the cats

J'ai terminé la partie texte de la broderie, maintenant il me faut broder le contour des petits chats.

Une famille formidable ! d'Isabelle Haccourt Vautier

De beaux progrès sur Halloween, partie prenante de ce GG puisque le fil mauve m'a été offert par ma fille (n° 3) rapporté de son voyage à Tokyo !

Here is my update on Halloween in the rain, this ghost played tricks on me many times (and I realize now I have forgot the place for his eyes). Part of GG post because the violet thread was a gift from DD3 (bought for me in Tokyo).

And now a BIG NEWS

I received my very first art mail

Ma toute première enveloppe brodée, une surprise envoyée par Debbie

A wonderful gift from the very clever Debbie!
What an amazing surprise!

Sea side is the perfect link to the other great news : I'm on holiday for a week, no more purchase orders and invoices to register, we are planning a little trip to Bretagne, sea side, fresh air, walks, buckwheat flour crêpes and cider.

Kenavo ar wech all !

A vous revoir la semaine prochaine avec des nouvelles de Bretagne !

dimanche 3 juin 2018


Hi: On the first Saturday of the month, would you like to join the ZODIAL SAL organized by Jo from Serendipitous Stitching,

Here is the link to Jo's Blog

Signe des Gémeaux - 21 mai - 20 juin

Nous nous retrouvons en ce début du mois de juin pour le rendez-vous zodiacal avec les Gémeaux.
Les journées de mai se sont envolées mais avec quand même quelques loisirs : jouer avec mes petits enfants, jardinage, dessin, peinture et broderie.

If someone knows where May month disappeared...

Leasure time spent playing with the grandchildren, gardening, drawing, painting and... still doing some stitching...

As DH is gemni and one of the two grandparents, "The great family" from Isabelle Haccourt Vautier is going to illustrate this post

You'll see I kept my shoehorn near to me, with my lotto/memory game included to this post with twin squares of fabric...

Moving off basting thread

It is not a neat work, hard to sew fabric with (against ?) fleece fabric. I hope kids won't mind zig-zag aren't very pretty.

Zodiac is about stars, isn't it? So Ursa Minor is glad to present you a finish, the sixth stall of the Christmas Market from Brin par Brin has now a fabric back, that means my Market is all done.

Now some updates, linked to GG post I missed :

Snowman from Cuore et Batticuore.

Progress too on Halloween but no pic yet.

Médaillon du signe des Gémeaux, cathédrale Notre-Dame d'Amiens

Timothé est en ce moment mon assistant éditeur pour cet article et vous souhaite le bonsoir.

Timothy is now my editor assistant for this post and wish you a nice evening.