jeudi 25 juillet 2024

mardi 23 juillet 2024

dimanche 21 juillet 2024



Bienvenue à vous pour cette nouvelle olympiade à la maison !

Welcome in Paris for this new Olympic Games

Retrouvons, pour 
vous accompagner
du 26 juillet au 11 août 2024 :

notre couple de supporters
de l'équipe de France 
Mme & M. Souris

From July 26th to August 11 th 2024,
our couple of supporters
of the French team  Mrs & M. Mouse

Let's meet our reporters
Nelson and Gérard

ainsi que nos envoyés spéciaux Nelson et Gérard

Ils vous présentent le programme de cette compétition.

Here is the program of this competition :

escalade  : un projet à terminer pour Noël prochain
l'escalade de mon panneau brodé  Quand Noël s'en mêle

climb  : progress on a Christmas embroidery
"Quand Noël s'en mêle"

breaking  :  un nouvel ouvrage pour un nouveau sport

a new start for a new sport

Judo  :  blackwork   (ceinture noire Teddy Riner)   La Parisienne

judo : blackwork for blackbelt

Kayak aviron sports d'eau
broder du bleu dans les cases du jeu de l'oie

water sports : stitch blue color in the goose game

Swimming : 8 colors, sprint on 1 lenght
                                                                        Lady with the unicorn /  La dame à la licorne
natation : 8 couleurs, sprint sur 1 longueur

Surf : en l'honneur de Tahiti      /    to honor Tahiti spot

Hair for my gnome  /  Chevelure de gnome

gymnastique  : les anneaux = cercles à broder

gymnastic :       gymnastic rings   for  hoops

Kite foil  :   Sewing   /  Couture   to be defined   (maybe poppies)

Badmington :   Sewing   /  Couture     patchwork   

Escrime   /   Fencing   :  Metallic thread - Fil métallique 
finitions backstitch

Tir à l'arc  /   archery  :   geometry embroidery

Pentathlon moderne 
Cinq projets pour un Junk Journal    /   Five projects for Junk Jour     

Petit récap 12 épreuves par ouvrage :

Point de croix / Cross stitch

   perforated paper - papier perforé  nouvel ouvrage / breaking
   la dame à la licorne / natation
   goose game - water - jeu de l'oie - eau / kayak
   broder du noir / judo
   finition backstitch / badmington
   geometry / escrime
   broder mini tambour / gymnastique
   panneau de Noël /  escalade

Couture / divers

   junk journal /  pentathlon
   coquelicots  /  kite foil
   patchwork   /   badmington
   gnome  /  surf


Rien que de lire ce programme,
je suis déjà fatiguée !

I'm already tired just reading
this program

J - 2  for the 6th edition of the Tour de France of Jocondine!

Be ready to travel around the country, this year Great Britain is joining the party as the theme is "English vocabulary". I have found cities with names sounding like English words. Come on and be part of the team! I'm waiting for you!

jeudi 18 juillet 2024


Since last Thursday, I have made some progress on JJ WIP...

Inspired by Pamela from Paper Outpost "The drawbridge concept" I have made mine in my JJ.

Using recycled papers, homemade glue seals, recycled lace, a little wood heart. I like it, the purpose is to lift the top little heart and open the 2 papers which are attached together to "hide" something behind and keep a corner pocket in the middle. I have used a violet ink pad for a nice finish of the edges.

Fortunately, I had among my attempt of glue seals from months ago, those three colors I love with this recycled paper. 

The red one is used to stop the perforated tag. 

I have stiched (it was a nightmare) the wood heart with metallic thread DMC E 130 and put it on the tag to attach a small rose charm in place of the white string.

And as the sheet of paper from the JJ is a little too thin I have cut a brown heart shape paper to reinforce it.

Je viens de terminer le projet inspiré du "drawbridge concept" de Pam.

Composé de deux feuilles de papier épais recyclé, trois sceaux en colle vernie, un mini coeur de bois brodé, de la dentelle de récup et l'ajout d'un charm en rose.

Le but étant en soulevant le coeur de pouvoir "ouvrir" l'ensemble des deux rectangles en conservant une pochette coin ouverte en milieu.

Pour le moment je n'ai rien caché derrière, il me faut réfléchir à quelque chose d'amusant à ajouter.

Utilisation de DMC E130 (un cauchemar) pour le coeur et l'attache de l'étiquette en papier perforé. Encrage violet pour faire ressortir les bords.

Some news about my button book, I'm often distracted and I was when I cut the serie of buttons some weeks ago. I missed one fold and didn't realize it would mean I won't have the right number to make the accordeon shape! My two designs were done and painted so I decided to glue the missing one and as the drawing was complete I added a title to the story!

Un petit rattrapage pour mon livre bouton, j'ai découpé mon pliage il y a quelques semaines et étourdie n'ai pas vérifié mon nombre de plis. Les dessins faits et mis en couleur, il s'est avéré que je devais rajouter un pli pour pouvoir fermer les boutons couverture. La série de dessins étant terminée j'ai décidé d'ajouter un titre à mon histoire !

Petit pliage en calque dans lequel je vais peut-être l'installer.

a 10 cm square folding

in green tracing paper

to keep it safe

Here is another idea I saw on the net I wanted to put in my JJ.

J'avais repéré cette autre idée sur le net

et je voulais l'utiliser dans mon JJ.

It's a button spider and after I made it I found the right way to show it.

What about hide it in a book page?

C'est une "araignée bouton"

Après l'avoir brodé j'ai trouvé
une idée sympa pour la

Un trou dans une page de livre.
Replier les bords, les brûler
et installer mon araignée dans
son nid.

I cut a hole in the book page
and tried to burn the edges
for a nicer look.

The third attempt was the right one.

The 6th edition of the Tour de France will start next Tuesday...

Save the date...

lundi 15 juillet 2024


It's always nice to make gifts, nice too to receive some
and use them in our stitching projects.

It's great and fun to show all this and the perfect place is
on Jo's blog Serendipitous Stitching on the 15th of each month
for the Gifted Gorgeousness post.

Cadeaux donnés ou reçus, toutes les occasions sont bonnes
pour partager nos coups de coeur et participer au "Gifted Gorgeousness"
de Jo - Serendipitous Stitching.

It's a tradition now, I open my post with homemade birthday cards

Since last month post, my three cards have been finished and sent to "end of June birthdays".

A good friend who received this wardrobe and the birthday of Capucine who got this funny frog and her new crocheted dress.

Timothé loved his card too.

I'm back on "handbag" cards and after cutting the bag I'm making perfume bottles and make up accessories.

Next family birthday will be DD3 in september but I need a new idea. I kept a picture of a "honey" themed card and I'm "cross pollinating" (as Melissa said in WIPocalypse) my ideas between crafting and cross stitching (that will be the perfect time ever to use this formula) with my beehive project for Capucine's doll .


I cut a honey pot and I'm making stitched cells with honey beads that I want to glue on the lid. So when you open the pot you get the wishes on the back. I'd like to add some tiny bees, maybe on the pot and find a way to use a real wax piece I found in my stash.

Un peu d'ombrage au crayon de couleur sur le bord du miel. 

Some orange shadow on the edge of the honey.

Confection de deux petites abeilles avec du DMC Diamant grande pour les ailes.
Two little bees made with DMC Diamant gold grande thread.

I have added some thick paper (taken in a perfume box) to manage a space to slide the top.
Pour pouvoir glisser le couvercle, rajout d'une épaisseur sur le pourtour intérieur du pot.

Back to cross stitch, my Lady with the unicorn was a gift from DD3, here is my update.

We went to the wedding of our cousin. Clare has recently shown a lovely card, she kindly sent me the pattern. I'm changing it as it's for two wives and give it a look close to the outfits of the happy couple.

I have started the foliage from the heads to the right side of the pattern
then on the left and at the
bottom I had a difference
between my ranks!

After frogging and two restarts
I'm ok now.

Great news, my Tour de France n° 6 is ready to go!  Gift from me to those you'd like to travel around my country.

All is explained here :

Remember this year theme :  English vocabulary

There will be 17 stages in 17 towns, their nouns sounding like English words or verbs, adjectives or adverbs.

Like, for example,  the towns of Gap or Tours.

As usual, first post on the Tuesday will give you the number of the department with a map and sometimes clues to find your way, more clues on the Thursday.

On Sunday afternoon, with the solution, I'll show you the town and its aera with pictures of DIY bloggers, crafters, stitchers, designers inspired by the city or the characters who have been your guids.

I hope you'll propose names, I will reply in the comments and good answers will stay hidden until the Sunday.

Your first guid on Tuesday July 23th will be...      William Shakespeare  himself!