New moon appointment with, la pleine lune notre rendez-vous avec Measi
Measi's Musings WIPOCALYPSE
The maze is near to be finished, the question is : I first thought of stitching a color (kind of rose) between the rank of brown but now I find it quite nice in a unique color and with the relief given by "empty walls". I was distracted during my last work so I close it on left wall, yes I do and then have to reopen it!
Le labyrinthe est presque terminé et j'ai réussi lors d'un moment d'inattention à fermer le mur de gauche, j'ai ainsi dû rouvrir pour arranger la sortie.
No progress on "jeu de l'oie" because I bought a blue DMC 3752 which I thought was the good color (using my DMC sample in outside light) to complete skies, the first crosses have confirmed a 932 not in my stash.
Un léger problème de couleur a arrêté ma progression, les tonalités de bleu étant très proches.
But as the Topic is : Pick one of the WIP pieces you’ve stitched on this month and tell us about your stitching journey with the piece.
I stitch on it and frog it so I can tell you my story with this piece
I'm a big fan of games (I mean chance games because don't show me "Master Mind" box it's still give me headache). As I'm not a big strategist I love to have the possibility on a throw of the dice to find a well and jump there (not too often),
I collect card games, love designs of historic goose games and always wanted to stitch or sew board games. When I bought on a market some very cheap cut-off (supposed to be DMC fabric) the occasion was to great to begin a "jeu de l'oie"on one big piece.

Les jeux m'inspirent beaucoup et ma liste de travaux à réaliser est pleine de plateaux de jeu de l'oie, petits chevaux, nain jaune et autres pochettes pour cartes ou dés.
I take inspiration of a freebie from "" ,
adapt the spiral pattern to my fabric
and now I'm changing some of the designs
and adding charms to give a personnal way
for this goose.
Tomorrow is THE departure day for 2 weeks holidays,
as I am the Global Positioning Stitcher, I have to prepare the busy bag of the navigator,
between guidebook and road maps you'll find some knitting and an aïda work.
If the promise of WIFI comes true then I'll give you some news and pictures of our holiday rent.
See you soon........ travelling stitcher
A bientôt...... la brodeuse voyageuse Stitch a lot