dimanche 30 avril 2017
Département : 84 sur le parchemin, on the parchment, Sorgue 9/1.
St Véran, le gouffre/the chasm, 9/2.
je veux des étagères très hautes
juste pour pouvoir m'offrir ce genre de chaise :
I want very high bookshelves only to offer me this kind of chair
le lutrin, the lectern
It is the last Sunday of the month, it's time for WIPOCALYPSE hosted by Melissa
My goals for 2017 are to work on : keys/poppies themes/goose game/
Goose game was the main work I already posted, as the April showers from Kerry's Theme-a-Stitch gave me a significant boost with the water theme.
So, it's a Work In Provence post...
I just came back from some holidays. I had to choose some works to bring with me
not the complicated one or with many patterns, threads, fabric to put in the suitcase.
I bring three projects : one WIP I could stitch in the car :
Marché de Noël - Brin par brin
Cupcakes shop
avancée sur le stand
des cupcakes du marché
de Noël
one mysterious Halloween project (kept for the U TAC shoehorn post for the first Saturday of May)
and a new start, a small one which needed very good light (supposed a better one in the sky of South of France!)
et un nouvel ouvrage, petites croix nécessitant une très bonne lumière (supposée meilleure sous le ciel de Provence)
A stitching from Mr X-Stitch I saw on Jo's Blog Serendipitous Stitching, Mona Lisa,
Une broderie remarquée chez Jo de Serendipitous Stitching, la Mona Lisa de chez Mr X-Stitch
Mona Lisa, What else!
for Jocondine
My goals for 2017 are to work on : keys/poppies themes/goose game/
Goose game was the main work I already posted, as the April showers from Kerry's Theme-a-Stitch gave me a significant boost with the water theme.
So, it's a Work In Provence post...
I just came back from some holidays. I had to choose some works to bring with me
not the complicated one or with many patterns, threads, fabric to put in the suitcase.
I bring three projects : one WIP I could stitch in the car :
Marché de Noël - Brin par brin
Cupcakes shop
avancée sur le stand
des cupcakes du marché
de Noël
one mysterious Halloween project (kept for the U TAC shoehorn post for the first Saturday of May)
and a new start, a small one which needed very good light (supposed a better one in the sky of South of France!)
et un nouvel ouvrage, petites croix nécessitant une très bonne lumière (supposée meilleure sous le ciel de Provence)
A stitching from Mr X-Stitch I saw on Jo's Blog Serendipitous Stitching, Mona Lisa,
Une broderie remarquée chez Jo de Serendipitous Stitching, la Mona Lisa de chez Mr X-Stitch
Mona Lisa, What else!
for Jocondine
vendredi 21 avril 2017
Theme-tas-stitch is an event organized by Kerry
Le thème d'avril est l'eau, sous toutes ses formes, où se cache le H2O ?
This month theme is water,
where found H2O
April Showers -
It's spring, but two of my works are still in winter :
I added snowflakes on "Tableautin d'hiver"
I already finished stitching ice on "Les patins d'argent"
"Cuore & Batticuore"
two big snowflakes too
Goose game, the river/ and water in geese swimming squares
Jeu de l'oie, la rivière en case 6 pont et les oies nageant
so this month was the good one
to work on :
the square 31 is of course
a well
la case 31 est un puits
the painter needs a brush (with water)
a goose game without a stop
to drink a good cup of tea?
thanks to Kerry
as I have some empty squares
to complete
I added it in square 19
water in cup of tea
rosée du matin sur les topiaires
Don't forget the beads of sweat on the stitcher forehead!
That's all for April Showers!
Le thème d'avril est l'eau, sous toutes ses formes, où se cache le H2O ?
This month theme is water,
where found H2O
April Showers -
What pieces do you have that contain water? - It might be rain, river, sea or lake - see how many stitches you can make!
It's spring, but two of my works are still in winter :
I added snowflakes on "Tableautin d'hiver"
I already finished stitching ice on "Les patins d'argent"
"Cuore & Batticuore"
two big snowflakes too
Goose game, the river/ and water in geese swimming squares
Jeu de l'oie, la rivière en case 6 pont et les oies nageant
so this month was the good one
to work on :
the square 31 is of course
a well
la case 31 est un puits
the painter needs a brush (with water)
a goose game without a stop
to drink a good cup of tea?
thanks to Kerry
as I have some empty squares
to complete
I added it in square 19
water in cup of tea
rosée du matin sur les topiaires
morning dew on the topiary
Don't forget the beads of sweat on the stitcher forehead!
That's all for April Showers!
We are looking for a shop-museum.
No hurry, we are leaving home tomorrow morning for some holidays,
nearby this place
maybe some more news if we get some wifi there...
mercredi 19 avril 2017
We are looking for a museum - shop
As it will be soon time for holidays
we'll have many days for this step, only two clues, next post on Friday evening
and the answer on last Sunday of April
Bientôt les vacances, connexion incertaine donc plus de temps pour résoudre
cette étape et trouver le musée-magasin que nous cherchons.
Elle comprendra un deuxième indice publié vendredi soir.
Réponse le dernier dimanche d'avril.
mardi 18 avril 2017
Nous sommes décidement très occupés en cette période pascale,
c'est l'heure du Gifted Gorgeousness puisque le calendrier marque le 15 du mois, un petit bilan donc sur les travaux en cours liés de près ou de loin aux cadeaux reçus ou à offrir.
A busy week-end, abd it's time for an update on Gifted Gorgeousness from Jo
The first one I want to show is Village Quaker,
this is a gift to myself, and really it's such a pleasure to stitch, that it's a great gift
Some progress on other works, voici les progrès sur mes autres en cours :
Brin par brin : marché de Noël
stitched with a DMC violet given by DD3
Les patins d'argent
I finished the trunk on the left side
Tra la la, tableautin d'hiver
Quand Noël s'en mêle
A quite hippy cow for a Nativity Scene.
Have fun visiting all the other stitchers participating in the Gifted Gorgeousness.
c'est l'heure du Gifted Gorgeousness puisque le calendrier marque le 15 du mois, un petit bilan donc sur les travaux en cours liés de près ou de loin aux cadeaux reçus ou à offrir.
A busy week-end, abd it's time for an update on Gifted Gorgeousness from Jo
The first one I want to show is Village Quaker,
this is a gift to myself, and really it's such a pleasure to stitch, that it's a great gift
Some progress on other works, voici les progrès sur mes autres en cours :
Brin par brin : marché de Noël
stitched with a DMC violet given by DD3
Les patins d'argent
I finished the trunk on the left side
Tra la la, tableautin d'hiver
Quand Noël s'en mêle
A quite hippy cow for a Nativity Scene.
Have fun visiting all the other stitchers participating in the Gifted Gorgeousness.
lundi 17 avril 2017
Département : 64 - Roxane, l'héroïne de Cyranno de Bergerac 8/1.
Chirurgie du nez ! Nose plastic surgery! - Pyrenées (mountains) - Chantecler, a famous stage play 8/2.
"Villa" - l'expression boîte à ciseaux en anglais " for ink an pen" extrait de la tirade du nez - excerpt of "nose speech". 8/3.
You remember "les éditions des Saints Pères"
we visited in the third step,
Here is a fac-similé of Edmond Rostand writing
Voici quelques accessoires que vous pourriez aisément trouver dans les pages d'un magazine de mode.
You could find those accesories in a fashion magazine.
cufflink/boutons de manchettes
samedi 15 avril 2017
vendredi 14 avril 2017
Welcome to the Easter Treasure Hunt Blog Hop
Jo from "Serendipitous Stitching" is organizing her Easter Blog Hop
You'll have to collect letters all around the blogs and forme a sentence
then go back to Jo with the mystery phrase.
First here is the stitching
I'm making for this event
an egg cup
an empty egg cup
un coquetier vide ?
it is a pattern I bought
at the beginning of this year
from Brin par brin
called "Guests in my kitchen?"
designed by Stéphanie Lejeune
I recently discovered the 12 days of Christmas song
and have great pleasure to follow the stitchers working on different patterns
so I chose the 3 French hens as we will look for Easter Eggs very soon in the garden
to introduce my letter which is an
Larissa Holland |
Now, I am glad to invite you to visit
Sheryl at Sewing After Seven
There you will find a new letter and
a lot of lovely works
as she is a very talented stitcher
Jo's Joan Elliot 12DoXmas Léonie's P. Stewart 12DoXmas
Now I wish you good luck collecting letters
Joyeuses fêtes de Pâques
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