samedi 30 septembre 2017
Premier Quaker terminé, un ouvrage passionnant, très agréable à broder.
My first Quaker is finished, a great work very pleasant to stitch.
C'est un modèle de chez Jardin Privé
Village Quaker, une création de Nathalie Cichon
J'ai seulement fait le choix d'un coloris bleu à la place du gris
DMC 930/932 ; sinon j'ai utilisé les couleurs proposées : DMC 152/3722, 730/733, 3790.
C'est une toile Zweigart Murano 3984 - 12,6 fils - Blanc antique
I only make one change, from grey to blue, it was so pleasant to just follow the chart in a perfect and happy way just count and stitch, the fabric is really easy to stitch on and I'm very happy with the final result.
I have only now to show it to my grandson, who was very interested in it and helped me stitching some stitches on that little key.
Wish you a very good day!
mercredi 27 septembre 2017
Theme-Tas-Stitch est le rendez-vous proposé par Kerry de Ramblings of a Biscornu Addict,
On September the 21 th, Kerry proposed the update of the Theme-Tas-Stitch
Here is the theme for this month...
What is the smallest stitch in your stash? Show us your smalls
Tra la la, parfait pour une "happy dance",
I've got a finish! I bought the fabric and the chart last year in November during holidays in Normandy.
Boutique : Couds ceci, brode cela à Courseulles sur Mer.
Il me restait la bordure supérieure que j'ai choisi de broder en DMC dégradé n° 115.
Tableautin d'hiver, Collection Tralala,
Vert dégradé 4045 - gris dégradé 53
Après avoir pris beaucoup de plaisir à broder sur cette même toile la Mona Lisa de Mr X Stitch, je l'ai commencé sur une toile que j'utilise pour les minis broderie.
I can't explain why I started again Mona Lisa from Mr Stitch on that fabric I use for small stitching.
I certainly missed her. Hope I won't complain with the dark part.
Côté miniatures...
Je me suis inspirée des tutos d'internet
pour réaliser ces petits mini livres Small books
I leave you with some news of baby panda "Mini Yuan Zi"
dimanche 17 septembre 2017
Hi, it's time for the gifted gorgeousness,
On Serendipitous Stitching blog, you'll find many clever stitchers who linked their posts here :
September month began with big changes, DD3 moved to a new place to continue her studies.
So, a relocation + 800 km from home, any guess... we have been busy.
Only a few progress on :
My "vocabulary" book for my grandson with pages on the theme : picture gallery
about the words : museum, frame, painting, pallet, tube of paint, paintbrush, color...
Some knitting, easy to do during the travel...
For my grand daughter, I'd like to knit a woolen hat.
it's only of a rectangle folded in two, points forming ears, (garter stitch)
not sure of the result, must try...
C'est une laine Bergère de France, coloris Séquoia, tricoté au point mousse, pour un projet de bonnet avec deux petites oreilles.
That's the post to update the "Zazobouzi" fox puzzle, here we are :
The next and penultimate step will be to add the small pieces of velcro then the last work will be to make a bag for storage.
Avant-dernière étape la pose des petites pièces de Velcro sur la base du puzzle puis la confection d'un sac de rangement.
I'm near to "a happy dance" with the Village Quaker, so I keep it for a "special" post.
See you soon
samedi 2 septembre 2017
Dernière ligne droite pour l'ALPHABET CLUB auquel j'ai participé depuis août 2015 avec beaucoup de plaisir. En léger décalage avec les autres participantes, j'ai repris le cours du dictionnaire en août dernier avec le V. Ce matin je m'attaque au W peu généreux en français.
I took part in the ALPHABET CLUB since August 2015 with a great pleasure but had some troubles to keep up in spring. My dictionnary is opened again, I was back with the V in August and glad to introduce you to the W, not the most generous letter in French language.
As on preview posts, I have imagined a scenario for those mensual posts
as the creators of this new event offer us a quite total liberty to how develop them.
My own way will go into worlds of stitching, words, drawings, designs, garden, cooking, music and travels.
Evocation of a word begining with the letter linked to DIY activities
and personal researches on what you could find in my garden, in my kitchen, on my record player (the vinyl one), in my travel souvenirs.
Well, that Was not easy, I Wish there Were more Words With a W in French!
So I'm ok for some help of foreign languages, so Welcome! Willkommen !
W comme Wanted

As I am ALWAYS looking for something, I use to have lists of "missing stash", that can be old things bought long time ago or kept for ages "just in case it happens to be useful one day" or things I bought last week but have already be moved three times in the house to find the right place to be. I should pin to the wall an empty poster and add my list and offer me some reward.
As an example, I was searching for a lovely book about Watercolor by Danielle Donaldson (I'll show it to you an another day).
W comme Watercolor (Aquarelle)
Watercolor, we have had so much raindrops falling on our heads this week, why not taking some brush to make a better use of all this water.

L'aquarelle est devenue un vrai plaisir complémentaire du dessin.
Bientôt un article sur une artiste Danielle Donaldson (dès que j'aurais retrouvé son livre).
W comme wax (cire)
I love candles, I have tried to make some "homemade" long time ago with slices of orange and others with the "ice cube" recipe (you put ice cubes and wax in an empty old milk carton to get irregular shapes). Should do it again for next Christmas.
but no equivalent with the very special model
we discovered in Brixlegg Austria

Bougies droites, rondes, flottantes, faites maison, cierges, elles apportent lumière et chaleur dans la maison, les plus jolies étant fabriquées à Brixlegg dans le Tirol.
W comme Waouh
That's one of favourite words of my grand daughter, who is 14 months old and is always enthusiastic discovering new things. And at this age she is always discovering new things. I envy her.
W comme www.
An endless space where find more ideas that I could do in a life, new so useful tutos, new blogs and new friends. For me who is old enough to have known typing invoices with six paper sheets (with three onion skin paper, one white, one green and one rose), waiting for the phone booth to call my family, black and white TV and vinyls, cutting pages to read a book, those 30 last years have been so amazing : waouh, waouh, waouh!
W comme double V in French and double U in English!
En revanche l'alphabet italien ne contient pas de W, utilisé seulement dans les noms étrangers mais sa représentation signifie "evviva" Hourrah!
W comme
Good memories of an old funny TV show.
dans la cuisine, in the kitchen
sorry, désolée, no wasabi or Worcestershire sauce in my cupboards.
dans le jardin, in the garden
sur la platine vinyl
les Wings
Cafe on the left bank...
When I was young, I loved a lot the Western music
dans mes souvenirs de voyage, in my travel souvenirs
W comme Washington
I took part in the ALPHABET CLUB since August 2015 with a great pleasure but had some troubles to keep up in spring. My dictionnary is opened again, I was back with the V in August and glad to introduce you to the W, not the most generous letter in French language.
As on preview posts, I have imagined a scenario for those mensual posts
as the creators of this new event offer us a quite total liberty to how develop them.
My own way will go into worlds of stitching, words, drawings, designs, garden, cooking, music and travels.
Evocation of a word begining with the letter linked to DIY activities
and personal researches on what you could find in my garden, in my kitchen, on my record player (the vinyl one), in my travel souvenirs.
Well, that Was not easy, I Wish there Were more Words With a W in French!
So I'm ok for some help of foreign languages, so Welcome! Willkommen !
W comme Wanted

As I am ALWAYS looking for something, I use to have lists of "missing stash", that can be old things bought long time ago or kept for ages "just in case it happens to be useful one day" or things I bought last week but have already be moved three times in the house to find the right place to be. I should pin to the wall an empty poster and add my list and offer me some reward.
As an example, I was searching for a lovely book about Watercolor by Danielle Donaldson (I'll show it to you an another day).
W comme Watercolor (Aquarelle)
Watercolor, we have had so much raindrops falling on our heads this week, why not taking some brush to make a better use of all this water.
L'aquarelle est devenue un vrai plaisir complémentaire du dessin.
Bientôt un article sur une artiste Danielle Donaldson (dès que j'aurais retrouvé son livre).
W comme wax (cire)
I love candles, I have tried to make some "homemade" long time ago with slices of orange and others with the "ice cube" recipe (you put ice cubes and wax in an empty old milk carton to get irregular shapes). Should do it again for next Christmas.
but no equivalent with the very special model

Bougies droites, rondes, flottantes, faites maison, cierges, elles apportent lumière et chaleur dans la maison, les plus jolies étant fabriquées à Brixlegg dans le Tirol.
W comme Waouh
That's one of favourite words of my grand daughter, who is 14 months old and is always enthusiastic discovering new things. And at this age she is always discovering new things. I envy her.
W comme www.
An endless space where find more ideas that I could do in a life, new so useful tutos, new blogs and new friends. For me who is old enough to have known typing invoices with six paper sheets (with three onion skin paper, one white, one green and one rose), waiting for the phone booth to call my family, black and white TV and vinyls, cutting pages to read a book, those 30 last years have been so amazing : waouh, waouh, waouh!
W comme double V in French and double U in English!
En revanche l'alphabet italien ne contient pas de W, utilisé seulement dans les noms étrangers mais sa représentation signifie "evviva" Hourrah!
W comme
Good memories of an old funny TV show.
dans la cuisine, in the kitchen
sorry, désolée, no wasabi or Worcestershire sauce in my cupboards.

Weigelia rouge
sur la platine vinyl
les Wings
Cafe on the left bank...
When I was young, I loved a lot the Western music
dans mes souvenirs de voyage, in my travel souvenirs
W comme Washington
last call for letter X next first Saturday in October
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