mardi 16 février 2021


 Some updates in cross stitching, DIY miniatures for the kid's dolls and watercolor this month for the Gifted Gorgeousness hosted by Jo :

Father Christmas had brought me a chocolate goose game I can't wait to play-eat" the next time we'll have our grandchildren for holidays. I often showed my cross stitched goose game, it's a free pattern I started long ago. 

I decided to give different designs in the squares to make them more personnalized with my hobbies. So I already stitched about gardening, writing, painting, sewing... sometimes I chose to adapt small patterns after checking they are ok with the frame of the square.

Sheryl who sew after seven,  also read magazines and have found some lovely game patterns very inspiring she was kind enough to send me.

Great fan of maps and world globe I found the theme of the square n° 39 a very good idea and adapted it for my own frame. I have selected the sailboat too.

I started with the boat and I'm pleased with the result.

Voici la carte d'anniversaire envoyée à Roselyne, réalisée d'après une carte d'Alice Gerfault.

Aquarelle et dessins floraux au feutre avec une touche de finition faite avec les pearlcolors dorés de chez Coliro.

I found in Alice Gerfault work inspiration for this birthday card I send to a good friend.

Watercolor and floral designs with a final touch of gold watercolor.

After making knackis with the clothes line, felt salmon and ham, I have some progress on the tiny groceries for the Violette (s) dolls.

Some paper towels, potatoes chips and French fries, coffee bags, rice, more salads, pizzas, 

With a chocolate box I thought I might make a little shop for Soline. First and easiest thing to do : eat the chocolates... then search in scrapbooking cardboards a lovely design to make some shelves and stick them into the box. Add a handle made with a cord to help her open the box.

With a cork of a wine bottle I thought of making a tiny pineapple with green and yellow felt.

Now the shelves are well filled with magazines and groceries.

dimanche 14 février 2021


It's Valentine's Day and Jo is hosting a great blog hop!

She has sent everyone participating a photo to show on the blog and we are all visiting stitchers to find who get our Valentine picture.

Who is my Secret Stitching Sweetheart?

This is the stitching I received... lovely invitation for a warm cup of tea or coffee, maybe chocolate!

But who is behind this secret stitcher?

C'est grâce à Joanne que vous pourrez visiter les blogueuses participant à cet échange ; vous retrouverez la liste complète des blogs qui vous accueillent ici :

Have a fun day hopping from blog to blog, good search!

Beaucoup d'amour et de joie à partager. Recevez plein de bisous et de câlins. Joyeuse Saint-Valentin !

mercredi 10 février 2021


 Snow on the garden this morning...

Quelques flocons ont généreusement recouvert feuilles et branches...

samedi 6 février 2021


 Welcome to the "People choose" SAL and this month stitchers wanted to see birds on blogs.

If you fly to Jo's blog, you'll find the list of the nests you can visit to discover beautiful birds with colorful plumage.

Let's start with the serie "les oiseaux brodeurs" from Brin par Brin

A new start for this new year.  Three colors only but already mistakes, When I finished the bird it didn't match with the leaves. I saw a heron taking a frog in my pond last week thought it was a good sign but I was wrong. Frogging again unfortunately.

Comme vous l'avez compris les oiseaux sont le thème de l'article mensuel
de ce premier samedi de février (ou plutôt dimanche) du You choose créé par Jo.
Survolons donc quelques broderies emplumées
grâce à de drôles d'oiseaux vedettes de précédentes ballades dans nos campagnes françaises.

Jardin privé - Village quaker

Tralala - tableautin d'hiver

waiting for a matching handtowel

Christmas ornement.

The colin cardinal from Brooke's book Advent Calendar (n° 13).

Un petit oiseau s'est posé sur le bord de la fenêtre pour le 19ème jour du calendrier de l'avent.
I designed a small bird on the 19th window of my Advent Calendar;

From Gazette 94, this free pattern "bird" - "oiseau" un gratuit de chez Gazette 94

A free chart offered by a stitcher on her blog.

This free "HIVER" "WINTER" from Gazette 94

Le fier oiseau du duc Harold au point de Bayeux

Let finish this post with this little yellow bird and his friend!

My eldest daughter wishes I could made some of those lovely birds
from a tuto of "Sostrene Grene"
I have tried but the result is not as great as the picture
I don't give up and will try again soon for a GG post!