dimanche 29 mai 2022



Time to share with Melissa and the Wipocalypse family the projects we want to complete before the end of the world.

On FB or


Point de croix / cross stitch

I'm back on cross stitch with Cuore e Batticuore "Summer hammock for two", I started the tree on the left side

Here I am at the end of May   -  Voici comment se porte le cerisier côté gauche, bien mieux que celui de notre jardin.

I'm back on Mrs Claus too

I have finished the pink bottom of her dress

Dernière teinte de rose pour terminer
le bas de sa robe

and be able to buy the DMC E 3821 I needed

It turned out that visiting DD3 last Wednesday
she led us to a new threads/fabric shop.

Nice discovery : lot of buttons, threads, wool,

That's all for this May post as most of my DIY time is spent on knitting, scrapbooking and gardening.

Ce mois de DIY a été en grande partie consacré au tricot, au cartonnage et jardinage.

Quant à la question de Melissa concernant les retraites et autres stages de broderie, plus rien au programme depuis très longtemps la région n'étant pas très dynamique de ce côté là.

Nothing to say about retreats or seminars, I wish I could go to some but there is nothing in my aera.


dimanche 22 mai 2022



In the heart of Guédelon forest, in an abandoned quarry, a team of master-builders is building a 13th-century castle from scratch. Quarrymen, stonemasons, carpenter-joiners, woodcutters, blacksmiths, tilers, carters and rope makers…are working together to revive heritage craft skills and to shed light on the world of medieval construction.

On our two days trip visiting Yonne aera, our second choice was Guédelon castle.

It's a special place, where in 1997 some crazy guys decided they will build a castle with no other ways that middle age technics.

You'll find here, in English, all the explanations and some pictures from the beginning.


We liked it a lot, very impressive!

A lot of builders are working and stop to explain their specialties.

How to mesure angles and architectural calculations without a calculator or CAD  - Calcul de toutes les mesures à l'ancienne.

Everything they need is cut, extracted, grown on site.

The trees for the carpenters, the stones for the masons, the plants for the dyes.

The tree...   the carpentry

Les tailleurs de pierre

Stockage de la chaux

L'atelier du forgeron

My favorite place... one wonders why!

La maison des couleurs, fabrication de poudres pour teintures.

That's what we can call "work in progress" and we will be happy and interested to come back in a few years.

Nul doute que nous retournerons suivre les progrès de la construction du château de Guédelon.

samedi 21 mai 2022


We made a nice trip in the first days of May and I haven't posted about it. On Monday we went to Saint Fargeau for a walk in the small town, a lunch in the restaurant "Le Gogaille"

Petit tour dans Saint Fargeau, déjeuner sur la terrasse du Gogaille.

and the visit of the castle.

Le faux marbre  // faux marble painting

The library - la bibliothèque

La salle des gardes  -  Guards / fencing room

Allez...   je serai mieux dans les forêts !

Une ballade, ça vous botte ?

Le grenier aux jouets    -   Toys attic

Lots of trains and boats

The small kitchens I have dreamed of when I was a kid (and the pigeon shooting I couldn't ask for being a girl!).

Jouet de cuisine dont j'ai rêvé toute ma jeunesse et le fameux tir aux pigeons que je ne pouvais demander étant une fille !

Les écuries  -  the stables

Le Parc

We had a lovely bedroom and

a gorgeous breakfast in 

"la maison de Jeanne d'Arc"

No other guest so we were upgraded

into the Joan of Arc suite

La suite Jeanne d'Arc

Notre deuxième étape était à Guédelon, voir l'article de dimanche.

Our second step was at Guédelon, see you tomorrow.