lundi 21 août 2017


Kerry from Ramblings of a Biscornu Addict organized a Theme-tas-Stitch event I love a lot,

for this month the theme is : Animalia August

Give some love to those projects with our furry or feathered friends

Voilà, nous ont rejoint des oiseaux, lapin, chat, souris, papillon, moutons, renard, araignée.

Birds, cat, butterfly, mice, sheep, rabbit, fox, spiders  let me show you all my animals parade

les petits oisillons de Patins d'Argent

Pattini d'Argento
Creazioni a Punto Croce

Cuore e Batticuore

the Colin Cardinal of the Brooke's Books Advent Calendar

un tout petit oisillon du Village Quaker

Deux stands du marché de Noël où vous accueillent un chat et une souris
        A cat and a mouse are welcoming you, do you want a cupcake?

des oiseaux et un lapin chez Tra La La,

Deux petits moutons près d'une crèche

un petit renard de chez Zazobouzi

les araignées du vocabulaire
qui attendent la visite de Spiderman

Spiders (attached with a fishing thread) waiting for Spiderman visit.

Un papillon dans le jardin de Timothé,  in Timothé's garden a new butterfly

Les souris d'Odile Bailloeul

un petit jean tout simple pour Monsieur Souris, a simple blue jean,

Un petit tour dans le monde aquatique,
c'était l'occasion de ressortir du panier
à ouvrages : un requin marteau et
une future pieuvre.

In the ocean, it is time to work on a future
octopus and a hammerhead shark!

I'm very pleased by the progress I made on so much different works, I only missed my goose game... but there is ten days to come still in August!

What about a real animal, we have not too far from here a big park Beauval where is born at the beginning of the month a baby panda

If you want more news about the baby and his parents

Some photos of Mum and Dad I took in 2014, can't wait to go to the zoo very soon to see the new hippopotamus pool.

mardi 15 août 2017


It's time to update the Gifted Gorgeousness Post on August 15th
organized by Jo

I am still working on two projects for my grand children, a puzzle "fox" made in fabric and some scrapbooking alphabet/words.

Mes deux petits-enfants inspirent à nouveau après le Tenuous Shoe-Horn mon article du Gifted Gorgeousness, des progrès donc dans la fabrication du puzzle tissu et du livre alphabet.

Un peu de couture pour avancer le projet de puzzle de chez Zazobouzi
Faux filage, surpiqûre, pose de molleton et de bande velcro.


Pour le classeur alphabet / vocabulaire
Cette page sera dédiée aux mots en relation avec la peinture, tube, couleur, palette...

l'envers de la palette recevra un grand pinceau,
des tubes de couleur,

découpés dans un magazine hors série de Marianne Maison
découpages en trompe l'oeil

painter's palette  (found in a magazine bought in 2002
perfect for my 2017 project!)

for words about the universe of painting

Cette page reçoit quelques cadres vides
les marques jaunes réservent l'emplacement
pour de futurs portraits familiaux.

Some frames which will receive some futur portraits
(of the family)

Dans six jours seulement, de joyeux animaux nous rejoindront pour parader à l'occasion du Theme-Tas-Stitch du mois d'août.
Only six days to wait for all the animals parade for the Theme-tas-stitch August theme.

mardi 8 août 2017


The tenuous shoe-horn is back!

This year, Jo "Serendipitous Stitching"
gave us a theme about our loved one

J'ai choisi pour ce thème de vous parler un peu de mes petits chouchous.

The great children growing and giving so much happiness,
first stitches, first steps, first steps in stitches, I'll begin with my shared stitching with Timothé

Ouvrage à quatre mains.

I now have to add flowers and butterfly, bees...

This month, he was so proud of being published in Mickey Junior, his drawing was chosen...

A gift to my granddaughter Capucine

 A kind of memory game
from Zazobouzi

The fabric for the back I first chose was too small for the all project, so I move to this one.
I'am sewing the base pattern.

As my grandson (6 years old) is going to "high" school in next September,
I intend to make for him some kind of scrapbooking pages with words in funny display.

Here are my first tests with : enveloppe / lettre and  thé

with a letter box and some small enveloppes, and some cup of tea with the three letters to put in order

Premiers essais pour mon classeur de mots "bricolés", du courrier dans la boîte aux lettres et une bonne tasse de thé. Pour apprendre l'orthographe en s'amusant.

Last year, part of my post was linked to shoes
I'll use this shoe-horn again, what about feet...

to show (again) some funny boots
we found during holidays in South

Am I stitching shoes?  Actually I am stitching ice skates in "Patins d'Argent"

I have finished the tree on the left side, and begin the shoes of the skater
but realize that I started counting from the third branch instead of the second...

a skater with three legs?

That's better now!

From shoes to socks

I changed some of the
colors of this character
on the advice of my
DD3 colourist

(still not fond of the cap)

but the socks are ok

From feet to poetry, I leave you with three verses in twelve feet.

What we call an "alexandrin" verse consists of two hemi (stitches ;)... of 6 syllables each.

Je vous quitte avec quelques alexandrins (formé de deux hémistiches de six syllabes).

"En ce huit août il m'est, gentiment proposé,
A ce Tenuous Shoe-horn, d'apporter mes idées,
Car Jo m'a invité, à y participer !