samedi 2 octobre 2021



Perfect theme for a first Autumn post, as "leaves" have been chosen by the People...

It's time for the You Choose SAL from Jo, you'll find here

all the friends who are participating in this event and will share with you beautiful leaves made in so many ways.

So take a seat maybe a cup of tea (with true leaves in your teapot!).

Voici un thème parfait en ces premiers jours d'automne, les feuilles ayant été choisi par les participants au "You Choose" d'octobre présenté sur le Blog de Jo.

Prenez un siège, une tasse de thé et découvrons ensemble mon choix parmi mes ouvrages...

I'll begin with some leaves of lily of the valley

Quelques brins de muguet, une jonquille ouvrant un abécédaire printanier, un petit jardinier taillant ses buis dans mon jeu de l'oie.

A daffodil opening a springtime alphabet book, a little gardener pruning his boxwoods in my goose game, maybe I should have add some crosses on the ground.

Quelques feuilles des plantes variées, 
some leaves from varieted plants

On "Autumn" old WIP, some 1 on 1 leaves patterns

Les ouvrages d'hiver et de Noël vont nous offrir quelques bouquets de feuilles de houx.   Some holly leaves in winter and Christmas stitchings.

Le temps des feuille de cerisiers - Cherry trees

Cerises, pommes, fraises sur une plaque de loto - On lotto, cherries, apples and strawberries

It's Autumn season on this lovely fabric I used for the back of this cushion.

Cross stitched leaves

on the Village Quaker

Feuilles rebrodées sur Toile de Jouy - Leaves embroided on a Toile de Jouy pouch

Pine trees

Serviettes, napperon et sets de table, du point lancé.
On napkins, placemats, straight stitch.

Now in the garden,   un petit tour au jardin

et dans la cuisine, feuilles d'ananas et d'artichauts
in the kitchen, pineapple and artichoke leaves

Some tiny felt salad leaves for a doll grocery shop

Made in felt, some oak leaves among other bush leaves

Leaves on watercolor cards.         Un peu d'aquarelle maintenant.

Couverture réalisée en polaire mauve pour Soline- A blanket made with fleece material for Soline

Those are the more recent leaves I have cut for a pop up birthday card.
Plantes d'intérieur pour carte d'anniversaire pop up.

Not so much leaves on those trees, but here it's the same word for the book pages so the sheets of paper of the books can be added.

Effeuillons ces arbres ou feuilletons ces livres, il est toujours question de feuilles (du latin folia).

L'automne venant, les feuilles tombent des arbres, malheureusement ce fût le cas sur mon en cours point de croix Cuore & Batticuore, je viens de m'apercevoir d'un décalage d'un fil sur l'arbuste de droite donc à refaire.

With autumn coming, the leaves are falling from the trees, unfortunately this was the case on my Cuore & Batticuore cross stitch WIP, I have just noticed that there was a mistake on the right tree so I'll have to redo it one thread down.

A look to the sky to end this post with some kites made with leaves during the Dieppe Intertional Festival.

Dans le ciel du festival international
de Dieppe

Des feuilles qui sous les doigts habiles
des participants se transforment
en cerfs-volants.

2 commentaires:

  1. Thanks for taking part in The People's Choice this month. So many gorgeous craft projects! I love all the felt things you make.
    Who is the designer of the Cherry Heart please? I love the colours in that one.
