lundi 27 mars 2023



Time to share with Melissa and the Wipocalypse family the projects we want to complete before the end of the world.

On FB or

Point de croix / Cross stitching

Tricot  /  Knitting

BOO  wool cover  :  324 squares knitted and sewed!

I'm making two ranks with a single crochet stitche to make the outline more regular.

Deux rangs en maille serrée au crochet pour rendre le contour plus régulier.

Cartonnage  /  cardboard DIY

Découpage et confection de cartes et de petites oies

Felt  /  Feutrine

De la plage au désert  /  From beach to desert

Tour de France  5

The big departure has taken place on March 7th, we have sailed from Le Touquet to Le Havre, then to Cherbourg, tomorrow we'll leave to join the fourth stage harbour.

March topic : Tell us about your favorite places to buy stitching supplies.

We don't have a lot of shops here, so once a year I wait for the DIY fair, crossing my fingers they will have what I need and some surprises for crafts.

Before spending some holidays in other departments I always check shops for supplies, the last one was "Danie styl" in Aubigny sur Nère last February! (A funny idea would be to make a French map of all those shops!).

I do order some felt or papers on the internet and buy sometimes in Cultura shop or Brode 41 (for cross stitching), Mondial Tissus (for sewing).

1 commentaire:

  1. You have made some lovely things again this month. My favourite is the cactus with the pink flower!
    Serendipitous Jo
