Time to share with Melissa and the Wipocalypse family the projects we want to complete before the end of the world.
On FB or https://measi.net/
+++ 2025 is the year of "more of" +++
Plus de point de croix / More cross stitching!
A few more stitches on my two WIP, more brown on the left side of the dress and more flowers on the left side of the Lady
and a new project for an April baby
Quelques points en plus... sur mes deux encours
et un nouveau projet de bavoir brodé pour le futur bébé
I'll still have my homemade birthdays cards, previously shown for the GG post but a new project had joined the top of my list with the Junk Journaling it's a new baby album I'll have to prepare for a new baby coming in a friend's family.
It will be for Pierre little brother or sister so I'll make the same kind of album.
Instead of a train this time I thought of boats, then I needed a sea and thought it could be fun to be able to take off the boats from the waves to put or write something on them.
so the masts and sails will be glued and the folded rounds will be slid in.
Le second cadeau sera un album de naissance, voici les pages sur lesquelles je bosse : de petits voiliers glissés dans les vagues, des éléphanteaux volants, un nid d'hirondelles et un nounours dans son lit.
Bientôt un article dédié avec plus de détails.
I have a page with a baby mobil, four young elephants ready to receive pictures or informations on their backs.
More sewing / Plus de couture
The sewing WIP is about fabric dominoes for the big brother
Préparation des bandes de dominos à découper ainsi que leurs dos dans le tissu au motif de coccinelles.
J'oublie souvent la question du mois de Measi, voici les quatre évènements auxquels je souhaite participer :
Question of the Month: What stitch-a-longs (SALs) are you participating in this year?
on the 10th : the Full Finish Gallery chez Ten hour stitcher
on the 15th : the Gifted Gorgeousness chez Jo Serendipitous Stitching
on the last Friday of the month : the Smalls SAL chez Ten hour stitcher
on the last Sunday of the month : Wipocalypse chez Measi's Musings
sur mon blog j'espère pouvoir régulièrement alimenter ma chronique "Les Jeudis du Junk Journal" et commencer à préparer un futur Tour de France.
Four events I'd like to post about every month and I hope to be able to have regular updates on the JJJ "the Thursdays of Junk Journaling" and start to prepare a new Tour de France.
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