samedi 17 février 2018


Today, it's time to update the Gifted Gorgeousness

Here is the link to Jo's Blog and others friends to visit :

Je vous ai déjà présenté Zazobouzi, une créatrice découverte au salon DIY l'an passé. J'ai réalisé le puzzle renard pour ma petite fille dont vous avez pu voir la réalisation tout au long du GG 2017.

During GG 2017, I have shown you my first work : the fox puzzle from the designer Zazobouzi.
I have bought a new one during my visit in the recent DIY fair, a dining toy for my granddaughter.

This step is linked to my Olympic Games Stitching for Biathlon.

First, cut the plates, fleece and the back fabric.

Pour ma participation aux Jeux Olympiques d'Hiver, cet ouvrage est lié à l'épreuve de biathlon,
les assiettes étant associées aux cibles. Premièrement, découper les assiettes, le molleton et le tissu du dessous.

I still work on the lotto game, but I tried to sew the squares in fabric on the polar fabric and it was catastrophic. I don't remember having such issues when I sewed the blanket last year. I was pretty mad so I stopped, next try maybe this afternoon.

I have cut the six squares for fruits/vegetables theme, and I'm looking in all the fabric boxes to find some other cuts for : animals, Christmas, flowers, geometrical shapes themes.

Quelques problèmes pour les premiers essais de couture zig-zag machine tissu/polaire, à ressayer cet après-midi avant de passer au point de feston manuel.

En attendant, les autres thèmes : Noël, animaux, fleurs, motifs géométriques s'enrichissent de coupons.

3 commentaires:

  1. Thanks for taking part in GG this month. I love the little dinner service, I have never seen anything like that. Your grand-daughter will love it for tea parties!

  2. The dinner service is so beautiful and practical for a small child, what a great idea. Like Jo, I have never seen anything like that before.

  3. The toy dinner service is a lovely idea. I have not seen that in fabric before.
