mercredi 7 novembre 2018


This is the second post of the new SAL run by Jo from Serendipitous Stitching,

On the first Saturday of each month (or some days later when you're late...) after the "Alphabet Club" and the "Zodiac SAL"  this new event  "Let the people choose!" offers you a monthly theme resulting from the vote of bloggers.

Everything is explained here and you'll find all the links to other bloggers :

The November theme is birthstones.

Deuxième article du nouvel événement organisé sur le blog de Jo "Laissez les gens choisir", le thème du mois étant les pierres de naissance. Native de mai, me voici avec l'émeraude pour thème !

May Birthstone is Emerald.

So DMC offers me 3 emerald green shades, I have chosen 909

One of my next project was to stitch a children's song with my granddaughter name
It's a free pattern from Frimousse who runs an amazing blog with a lot of frees and
a wonderful serie with lovely elves

You must visit her :     

So here I am with a new start, I changed the violet color for the emerald green

Next progress in Gifted Gorgeousness post.

"Dansons la Capucine" faisant partie de mes prochains projets pour broder la chanson à ma petite fille, vous suivrez les progrès sur cette broderie dans les prochains articles GG !

Un petit tour en cuisine...

If you're not wealthy enough to buy emerald,
candied angelica will be delicious in a cake!
But more sticky!

Si vous n'êtes pas assez fortuné pour acheter
des émeraudes, l'angélique confite sera délicieuse
en gâteau ! Quoique plus collante !

When I was reading my stamp magazine, my attention was drawn to this stamp from Macedonia for rare deseases.

A la lecture de Timbres Magazine, mon attention fût attirée
par ce timbre de Macédoine pour ne pas oublier les maladies rares.

Cela ne vous rappelle pas quelque chose...

6 commentaires:

  1. I like the rare disease stamp, I have a rare disease myself.

  2. Rare diseases, special people!AriadnefromGreece!

  3. That is going to be such a sweet stitch!

  4. Thanks for taking part in the SAL this month. I was looking forward to your post and you did not disappoint me!
    The elves are so sweet, your granddaughter will love this when it's finished.
    Your gargoyles are wonderful, I hope they enjoy next month's post.
    The stamp is very much like our logo - we have a not-so-rare disease - stitchaddiction!

  5. I like all the little notes around your stitch! Do you get tired of making so many? The rare diseases stamp is great.

  6. Pretty little pattern and I like the emerald thread
