dimanche 30 août 2020


WIPocalypse is hosted by Measi's musings, everyone shows the projects we want to finish before the end of the world.

The place we share for this monthly show is here :


I know now that 20 in 20" was totally crazy  well here is my unrealistic list ; 
Choisir le 20 en 2020 était (je le sais maintenant) totalement irréaliste, quoiqu'il en soit voici ma liste :

1/ La clef des champs - keys  (fields) -  2/ La clef de l'énigme - keys  (riddle)
3/ L'oiseau  - cardinal bird -  4/ Jeu de l'oie - goose game  -  5/ L'automne - autumn
6/ Boutons roses - rose buttons  -  7/ Fillette houx - holly girl
8/  Zazobouzi - dînette - cooking set   - FINISHED  -  9/  Feutrine - felt
10/ Loto hiver-Noël - Pâques - lotto Christmas -
11/ Les chats - cats  -  12/ La parisienne - The Parisian  -  13/ Hibou - owl
14/ Les oiseaux brodeurs - the stitching birds  -  15/ Un invité dans la cuisine - a guest in the kitchen
16/ Boule à neige - snowball  -  17/ Vêtements pour poupée mannequin - Clothes for dolls
18/ Zazobouzi - poupées - dolls   FINISHED -  19/ Coeurs - hearts in fabric  -  20/ Cercles à broder - Hoops

Rafraîchissant en pleine canicule de travailler sur la boule à neige, si vous avez un peu chaud il suffit de renverser l'ouvrage et vous vous sentez mieux !

Refreshing in the heat wave to work on the snow globe (16), if you're a bit hot just flip it over and you feel better!

Nice progress on the house (roof, window, door), on the outside white line of the globe, some silver threads on the tree and I begun the sand point which will fill the "ground".

Some chain points too on one ball on the red fabric.

The Parisian (12) went under the magnifying lamp last week (no pic), I stitched the top of the dress with one thread while I choose to stitch the skirt with two, we'll see if it works.

The question of the month is about Mystery SAL, never did that, it sounds great and funny. I'll check on other blogs participating in Wipocalypse to discover your projects.

vendredi 21 août 2020


I'm late, we had a nice week-end I'll write about soon I hope and we spent every August Monday with our grandchildren at home (4 and 9 years old, full of energy and ideas!).

The link to Jo's blog and other stitchers post is here :


My finish for this month GG's post is the flower I wanted to stitch to be part of Clare's Christmas tree project this year.

She has already received a lot of lovely flowers and will make a nice bouquet adding my cornflower.

I found a free chart on DMC site :


Voici mon projet de fleur pour l'arbre de Noël que Clare de Aimetu's stitching prépare pour sa paroisse, le thème de cette année étant de composer un bouquet de fleurs comme l'explique l'article dont vous trouverez le lien ci-après.


During this summer holidays, I'm making some tiny items for the fabric dolls Violette and Félix. Some purchases bags and food like chocolate, coffee, cheeses with little pieces of real packaging I kept in purpose.

Quoi de plus plaisant que de bricoler des miniatures, quelques fournitures alimentaires pour de futurs sacs de courses.

Le second "feu de camp" est terminé et j'ai presque fini un projet de sac de couchage pour Félix, il me restera à l'essayer pour finaliser les fermetures.

The second camp fire is done and I almost finished a sleeping bag for Félix. I need to think about how I'll close it during the next visit of Capucine and her dolls.

samedi 8 août 2020


It's time for the Summer blog hop Jo from Serendipitous Stitching organizes each summer...

"Know your blogging friend hop" is this year theme and I am today "the twin stitcher" of...?

Cette année, le blog hop d'été de Jo tisse des liens d'amitié entre brodeuses-blogueuses. Ainsi je suis, à cette occasion, devenue la jumelle de... ?

A stitcher who lives somewhere in Great Britain I think,
She likes playing guitar.

So, I might offer her this free from Isabelle - Passion créative

Many lovely frees on this blog, Feel free to ask for help to find one if you give me a theme.


As she loves to sing in a choir, I will dedicate her this cats choir I stitched some years ago

She recently has stitched a biscornu with lovely tulips on it.

Many charts on Isabelle's blog too, you can find them in the left part called "Catégories" on the 6th line.

Why haven't I already stitched a biscornu, no reason, I love them so no more delay, I should do one soon, could be a project to take during September holidays.

During this confinement, she skypes craft on the evening (I'd love to do that!).
She is also a fan of the Great British Sewing Bee, we only had this kind of program two years here and I miss it, I'll will soon try to find some episode from GB on YT.

Some last clues, here is the fabric I choose to make a bag for my knitting needles, a laundry theme.

When our neighbor's cat visited us, I sometimes found her behind the curtain in the washing basket.

No doubt some clever stitcher have recognized...

who is my secret Summer Blog Hop Friend...   Roni from


Thanks to Jo from Serendipitous Stitching, you can visit her and find the full list of participants here


I'll end my post with this "friend" stitching
I made for a good friend Marylène
as a pouch for coffee spoons

meaning :
"Friendship is embroidered with a strong thread"

dimanche 2 août 2020


Welcome to "The people choose", it's Jo's SAL about what you want to see on blogs. First Saturday of the month, you can share with your stitching friends a post whose topic has been put to the vote.

This month's theme is : Freedom.

I will begin with an advice of DD3 : "free of right" and the free I'm actually stitching is from DMC to offer a cornflower for Clare's Church Christmas Tree.

The second one is about "freedom of speech" and was on line in 2015 
among of a lot of drawings (Paris Charlie Hebdo attacks).

The blog is named : les broderies de Marilyn

On the fabric side, liberty is a fabric I love and in the 80's was the one chosen by my cousin for her wedding and the children "bridemaids and bestman". DD1 and DD2 had nice dresses for this party.

My aunt used to offer to the married couple a couple of dolls wearing the same clothes in memory of that day.

Some years later, I reused part of a skirt to make those place mats.

Here is my first attempt for a fabric doll,
I offered my older sister.

Freedom and Liberty, here Liberty is linked to the statue of Auguste Bartholdi, you'll find all about it on line, I only will add some pictures of Colmar (F.A. Bartholdi town museum).

Here is Gustave Eiffel who was part of the project.

My cross stitching encyclopedia proposes this chart I think would be nice to stitch.

In Paris, you can search for all the statues, here are some :
"L'île aux cygnes" - Swan island - Paris XVe

Musée d'Orsay -  Orsay  Muséum - VIIe

Jardins du Luxembourg - VIe

Entrée du musée des Arts et Métiers - IIIe

Statue "le Centaure" de César - place Michel Debré - VIe

Liberty is the first part of our national motto.

Writen on the front of each townhall... even in Breton !  It may inspire me for a next "photo challenge"  from classic to modern.

Not for one's week holiday challenge but for an all year long theme challenge as I do for house number plates / door knockers / streets name plates, I'll show you one day.

Can't resist to a little "shoehorn"  chapter...  for those who plays Animal Crossing, there is in the museum a painting from Eugène Delacroix  (de-from  la-the croix-cross) xxx ;)  "la liberté guidant le peuple" - Liberty guiding people".

2021 will be I hope, as 2015/2017/2019 a "tour de France" year, so the theme is already chosen : colors and painters!

After the shoehorn, you'll have to use oven mitaines for this last yummy chapter because one of my shortbread mold is the statue of Liberty.

I'll need you to help me for a better "stitched" version of Emma Lazarus poem...

Give me your charts, your fabric
Your colored threads yearning to be stitched
The busy needles of your eager hands

... Send these, ...???(cross stitchers and bloggers)???..., to me

I lift my lamp beside the WIP basket!