mardi 6 avril 2021


With the Easter week-end, I'm late for the "Let the people choose" SAL and this month it's blue...

A few friends have already posted on April theme, you'll see life in pink  blue here :

Let see what kind of blue are we talking about. Here, it can be linked to navy, France, slate, duck, night, royal, petrol, cart, sapphire and a lot of inspiring things.

Tant de nuances de bleu associées au ciel, à la marine, à la nuit, du bleu saphir au bleu canard, du bleu pétrole au bleu charrette, des rois aux ardoises etc...

Quelques morceaux choisis parmi les ouvrages en point compté : village quaker, un bleuet, de la laine layette bleue tricotée.

I will begin with one of my favorite cross stitch the Village Quaker from Jardin privé with two kinds of slate blues.

The freebie from DMC, cornflower stitched for Clare's bouquet.

Some blue wool in the pattern of "Knitting" a WIP from Cuore e Batticuore.

On my goose game, water under a bridge and goose paddling.

Bizarrement nous retrouvons notre bleu canard sur le cheval d'Harold !

Harold's horse in Bayeux stitching from the Tapestry of Queen Mathilde (that's the duck blue). 

On the shelves of my cupboard - sur les étagères de l'armoire à vaisselle

Tea time on blue

Un collier en perles de rocaille d'un temps ancien
où je confectionnais des bijoux
From a time I loved to make necklace with small blue beads

Some blue Toile de Jouy re-embroidered with metallic threads
Une pochette en toile de Jouy rebrodée de fils métalliques

Some blue owls - Chouette couleur ce bleu.

Some boats for the Navy blue - La marine représentée sur ce monochrome.

The blue I chose for DD1 christening as gifts for the guests.

Seaside themes

Blue jean deserves to be part of this month post. Une pochette en blue jean pour ranger le nécessaire de couture de DD2.

De la toile Aïda bleue pour des anges, un chat patineur et même ce marque-page d'Halloween.

Blue fabric of course, angels and a skating cat, even an Halloween bookmark.

The color will be part of my next Tour de France, twice... so keep those two clues for future references.

 Let's close this post with this page of blue
from a book I sewed for Timothé

6 commentaires:

  1. Wow! Lots of gorgeous blue stitchery in your post. Lovely.💙💙💙

  2. Thanks for taking part in The People's Choice this month. So many beautiful blues in this post. I love the first Jardin Prive design and the monochrome blues too.

  3. You have some wonderful blue pieces! I especially like the Quaker Village.

  4. Wow, a lot of pretty blue stitcheries here. The first design. The Village Quaker has to be my favourite, but I love the blackwork design, such a lot of work went into that, the gorgeous little owls and the embroidery on the Toile de Jouy fabric - and the lovely necklace. great work Nadine.

  5. Ce beau quaker me rappelle mes projets de design de motifs vidéoludiques, je tâcherais d'investir un peu de temps sur ce point et le soumettre à ton oeil expert �� Très belles réalisations, comme toujours ! DD3

  6. So much beautiful BLUE! The Village Quaker is Gorgeous!
