mercredi 15 décembre 2021


 Last GG report for 2021...

It's always nice to make gifts
nice too to receive some 
and use them in our stitching projects.

It's great and fun to show all this and the perfect place is on Jo's blog Serendipitous Stitching on the 15th of each month for the Gifted Gorgeousness post. 
Cadeaux donnés ou reçus, toutes les occasions sont bonnes pour partager nos coups de coeur et participer au "Gifted Gorgeousness" de Jo - Serendipitous Stitching.

Soline have received her felt vegetable garden, to keep the accessories I have stitched on a pouch "the garden of Soline"

Mon potager en feutrine semble avoir donner la main verte à Soline.

Chiens et chats sont à l'honneur cette année pour les fêtes, avec une dédicace à Sully et Chanel (dont l'histoire un peu particulière suit).

Some felt dogs are flying to Canada to meet Sully (Debbie's lovely pet).

Ready for a cat story...  I've got friends R&R who love cats and lost their dear Pearl  (a black one lady) last year. Then a new visitor came in the garden a little closer every week. Welcoming her in their home they wanted to know more about this new friend. They make detective investigations in the neighbourhood and vets and finally discover that the cat lived on the other side of the street
with a young single woman, they met and became friends sharing the cares for the animal. 
The cat name was Chanel (fun because my friend worked in perfume shop all her life).

When I hearded the story, it matched with a lovely pattern I saw on the net, so I made a cushion in a Christmas fabric then a cat in white felt with a black tail and two kittens.

Some detailed news from my little dragon
arrived in the Suffolk in his new home

red felt, golden croquet ribbon for the back,
white large transparent ribbon for the wings

I have added a small red bell around his neck
and a small parcel made in golden fabric in his mouth
and snowflakes on his side

Retour côté aiguilles à tricoter, le châle blanc au crochet non utilisé une fois détricoté, la laine lavée et pelotée se transforme en carrés de jersey pour une future couverture pixel pour EA.

I have told you I was moving an old (but with a clean wool) never used crocheted shawl into squares for a cover for DD3 inspired by a pixel pattern she hadn't yet chosen

Unknitted (?), washed, rewound in balls..   It's time for an end of year review, I am now with 73 squares already knitted.

DD3 has sent me the chosen pattern...   Boo from Mario   with....

127 white squares,  56 black,   21 dark pink  and  less than  200 dark grey for the background of the design!

See you in  2030 (asap?) for the Full Finished Post!

Cissors and paint brushes were busy too, some cards to send my best wishes...

and some nice hours painting with watercolor Christmas cards.

Découpages et aquarelles pour envoyer mes voeux
la robe sapin d'après un modèle vu sur le net

4 commentaires:

  1. These are a beautiful and imaginative set of gifts. 73 knitted squares sounded terrific and then I read how many you still need to so. No wonder you say it will be the year 2030 before the blanket is completed :)

  2. That is such a delightful post! Your crafting is absolitely beautiful. I'm sure Soline is the happiest little girl, playing with your creations. I hope your Christmas is a happy one.

  3. Thanks for taking part in GG this month. I love everything you've made this year, especially those little cats. But of course my dragon is my number one favourite!
    Your cards are beautiful too, you are a very talented crafter.

  4. You are so creative and talented! Everything is beautiful!
