jeudi 12 septembre 2019

ETAPE/STEP 15 - 2/4

5 commentaires:

  1. Sorry I missed last week as we were away.

    I'm headed to department 78 Yvelines. Hopefully I'll catch up with everyone.

  2. I'm now at Palace of Fontainebleau. So beautiful!

    1. You(re in the right department but not the right castle. Fontainebleau is in 77 dpt. Keep looking! xxx

  3. Old eyes....what can I say, sorry.

    I've moved along to the Palace of Versailles. Visited Versailles many years ago. Still so beautiful.

  4. Lucky you, I never visited it! So many places to go, it's of course on our list but not enough time maybe when we'll be retired! Tomorrow clue will help you to find the game but Versailles is not the town we are looking for. xxx
