jeudi 19 mars 2020


Strange week...

Since last Friday schools, universities, colleges are closed.
Then restaurant, cafés, shops, museums closed.
Now we only can go out with a self signed autorisation to go to food shops (when they aren't already empty) to the pharmacy or the doctor. A lot of offices are closed too, mine is totally closed because all the electrical works construction are stopped, DH went to work only Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning after it was forbidden.
DD2 has left Paris and joined us not to be confined in her very very small flat (room) for three or four weeks (lucky to catch a train on Monday).

Hopefully the weather is shiny since yesterday, so we can go out in the garden. So I'm gardening, sewing, stitching, cooking, watching movies.

DD1 is a nurse so she is waiting for new schedules because of the virus. Kids are at home with their dad who is teleworking.

DD3 boyfriend had his birthday yesterday, so I cooked a cake and he was able to blow out his birthday's candles thanks to internet!

As we couldn't be together we made a video, it was fun!

Hope you and your family are well and keeping your spirits up!
Send you a lot of "blogging" kisses and hugs.

See you soon for the result in pictures of all the DIY free hours.

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