lundi 7 décembre 2020


 Last post of this year 2020 for the People's choice SAL run by Jo from Serendipitous Stitching you'll find here :

Voici notre dernier rendez-vous de l'année 2020 pour participer au SAL proposé par Jo.
Le thème choisi est : les désastres en broderie, peu emballée en premier lieu j'ai finalement trouvé amusant de me remémorer ces nombreuses occasions où je me suis confrontée avec des complications inattendues, en voici un petit florilège !

To be honest, when I first read the theme I was thinking what a sad theme for ending a year of stitching but after making research to list my own disasters and watching K flosstube Jo mentionned to find some help, I most often laught thinking back about those troubles every stitcher (most of) crossed one times in a stitching live.

I don't remember having the bad surprise of a too small fabric for a pattern I choose but this story is not too far from this. For Jo's special birthday I planned to make something special with her blog's name on it and designed the pattern "Happy Birthday Jo" in French which is "Joyeux Anniversaire Jo", then I started and the phrase literally fall off due to my miscounting.

I had to start it again after correcting the place to begin with the A.

Long ago, a good friend who had a round table told me it was a trouble not to be able to find sets for this kind of table. So I took it as a challenge to make 4 stitched dining sets. I draw a pattern and cut the 4 pieces in one piece of fabric (a tablecloth my Mum gave me), stitched the first with succes but following the pattern the second time realise it didn't work at all and see the design was distorted  . So I have to redesign each pattern to be the most "twin" to the first one and get four nice sets

An old weird story now, long ago I wanted to stitch some simple cross stitch pattern to match the colors of my earthenware dishes "birds of Paradise - Gien". My Mum gave me an old tablecoth I stitched with DMC threads. The first time I washed it, the stitching came out of the washing machine all brown! Dark brown and light brown, I was so surprised and disappointed. I put it back on the table and the next time I washed it, the colors were back!

In the same theme of stitched tableclothes, I choose to stitch some lovely blue patterns from Mode et Travaux magazine, I stitched all the frames but one time I took it in a wrong direction and didn't realise (a neophyte's  error) all the crosses weren"t in the same way.

No effect on the flavor of the cakes and the taste of the tea!
Aucune conséquence sur la saveur des gâteaux et le goût du thé !

Young and unexperimented stitcher and quite unconscious, visiting a DIY fair with DH we agreed on this lovely "autumn" pattern from Le bonheur des dames and I bought it.

But the patterns were print on different pages (different scales to assemble) and I didn't understood well the way to stitch side by side the hats make a mistake in counting the threads left between two motifs. I was too far to stitch the scarf so I frogged and frogging one by one stitching is a nightmare.

It damaged the green linen, no hole but the threads of the fabric between the hats are a little distended.

Hope one day I'll find the courage to finish it!

For DD1 christening, I stitched every guest a napkin ring with this alphabet style then for each new member of the family I added a new one, so I made one for my grandson Timothé but didn't take the right shade of blue, so I had to make it again...

334  instead of 799

A last funny story, sometimes I am so focused on a row I didn't check and finish the line. For this maze I stitched all the wall and have to re-open it to have an exit!

Pénélope n'est jamais bien loin de moi quand je brode. Je suis très régulièrement distraite et dois souvent reprendre mes ouvrages à cause de petites étourderies.

That was a funny "You choose" year, thanks to Jo for organizing such an event.
See you next year on the first Saturday every month.

Clap, clap, clap! That's the sound of applause!

Bravo à  Jo pour l'organisation de cet évènement mensuel, à l'année prochaine chaque premier samedi du mois.

1 commentaire:

  1. Thanks for taking part in The People's Choice this month. It's fun to laugh at all the problems once we have solved them! How funny about the colours that went brown and then came back again when they were washed.
    The maze would have been very difficult without an entrance or exit!
