lundi 15 mai 2023



It's always nice to make gifts, nice too to receive some
and use them in our stitching projects.

It's great and fun to show all this and the perfect place is
on Jo's blog Serendipitous Stitching on the 15th of each month
for the Gifted Gorgeousness post.

Cadeaux donnés ou reçus, toutes les occasions sont bonnes
pour partager nos coups de coeur et participer au "Gifted Gorgeousness"
de Jo - Serendipitous Stitching.

Little baby Pierre is born on May 5th and my sewed gift is ready
Les cadeaux de naissance pour Pierre sont terminés
voici le baluchon à histoire thème forêt de Zazobouzi

The album is almost done too, needed to be bound
soon a special post

Desert - felt / feutrine    gift for Capucine

I have started a pyramid, a camel, a bird.

But as I was surfing on the net, I have discovered many lovely wild animals not from Africa but so cute I'd love to make them : an anteater,  a tattoo, a porcupine. So I'm drawing some patterns.

Petite séance de patronage pour réaliser un fourmilier

tricot / crochet - wool

Since I have finished the BOO cover I miss something to knit or crochet and was thinking about Granny squares and what to make with them.
A bag, a summer top, a simple jacket...  I bought some wool in plum, lime, eggplant colors, pure chance favorite colors of DD3 

and made some squares

Send a message on Whatsapp to the girls and got some answers

DD1 prefers long all white jacket, DD2 cats and DD3 hexagons asymmetrical pullover!!!

So I'm moving to hexagons, first, check if they are as easy
than squares to make (I warned them "has to be fun")
and need to buy white wool!
Cats will give me the chance at least to use some of the wool stash
I wanted to get rid of!

Here I am, need to be a little more focused on the stitches
but I love the hexagons

Besoin de redémarrer un autre ouvrage au crochet depuis que BOO est fini, envie de faire quelques carrés pour voir et maintenant me voilà en train de crocheter des hexagones pour tenter le montage d'un pull.

Point de croix - Cross stitch

Only a few stitches on the Lady with the unicorn

Seulement quelques points ajoutés à ma licorne

My big plans of a May month full of do it myself to myself have changed a bit due to the big works in the dining room and the hall (removal of the fireplace installation of a wood stove and painting walls and ceiling and a new wall siding behind the stove which means emptying and moving all the furnitures, paint smell, a lot of mess in the house, dusting and washing, no more table to work on and as a bonus a bronchitis).
DH has done a great job and I haven't been a big help.
We had two great days in Beauval zoo (my birthday gift) as a short break.
This week we are waiting for my cousin exceptional visit so the planning turns to
make the house as welcoming as possible.

I hope those plans are only postponed, we'll see.

5 commentaires:

  1. Welcome to the new baby Pierre. Your animal bag is gorgeous and the animals so clever. Pretty granny squares and hexagons in the making - the family certainly keep you busy with so many clever ideas in the making

  2. My goodness, you have been so busy! What lovely gifts for sweet Pierre! Congratulations to the happy parents and family! I love the idea of your new animals, you are so very creative! Your crocheting is lovely too! And your unicorn is beautiful! It's always so much fun visiting your blog! Happy Stitching!

  3. Welcome Pierre! Thanks for taking part in GG this month with all your lovely ideas. How typical of your daughters to want three different things to your ideas though! I love those cat squares, they are so sweet.
    Looking forward to those and more felt animals.
    Serendipitous Jo

  4. The gift was completed with the baby’s name.
    Congratulations baby and you.
    You seem very busy renovating your house, but I hope it goes well.
    Unicorns are so beautiful.

  5. Bienvenue Pierre! How do you manage all that craft alongside DIY too? Lovely finishes there, will be interested to watch your crochet items progress please
