samedi 27 avril 2024


Vous souvenez-vous du Belem ?

Ce magnifique trois mâts aperçu au large de Dieppe puis dans le port pendant nos vacances de septembre 2022.

Do you remember the Belem?

This wonderful three-masted barque we saw near Dieppe then in the harbour during our holidays in September 22.

Et bien c'est ce voilier et son équipage qui vont transporter la flamme olympique de Grèce en France.

It's this wonderful ship and its crew that will carry the Olympic flame from Greece to France, leaving Piraeus today to join Marseille on May the 8th.

Départ le 27 avril du port du Pirée

arrivée prévue le mercredi 8 mai 2024 à Marseille.

suivra un relais de la flamme olympique autour de l'hexagone

This is the map for the torch relay from Marseille 05/8 to Paris.

On July 10th the Olympic Flame will be in our aera

No idea if we'll be able to see it

We might watch it on TV.

La flamme passera par chez nous le 10 juillet prochain.

I'll be part of the Wipolympics next July with Melissa from Measi's Musings. You will meet our Reporters again, remember Gérard and Nelson you have already seen in Japan in 2020.

and our couple of supporters Mrs and M. Mouse

En juillet prochain, je participerai aux Wipolympics organisés par Mélissa
de Measi's Musings. Mes reporters Gérard et Nelson couvriront les évènements sportifs et notre couple Mme et M. Souris viendront appporter leur support à nos valeureux participants.

Today it's time to introduce you to our mascots  "The Phryges"

Elles sont inspirées par notre bonnet phrygien hérité de la Révolution.

They have been inspired by the "Phrygian cap" from the French Revolution.

Soon I'll show you medals, flame, posters, outfits.

2 commentaires:

  1. Oh, I did not know ships were used for carrying the flame, how interesting! Also, your mascots are very cute. I'm looking forward to your reporting!

  2. Those tall ships are magnificent, the perfect way to start the Olympic celebrations. The mascots are very cute.
