vendredi 10 avril 2020


Welcome to the   Easter  Treasure  Hunt!

Bonjour et bienvenue à la chasse au trésor de Pâques.
Préparez-vous à aller de blog en blog et à l'occasion de vos visites collectez les lettres qui constitueront une phrase (en anglais) proposée par Jo. Sur son blog, vous trouverez la liste des brodeuses participant à cette amusante ballade.

Ready to collect letters, hopping from blog to blog...

Jo, who organized that famous and funny blog hop, explains all the adventure here :

You'll find the list of all the bloggers participating, not to forget a letter!
When you'll be ready with a Easter themed phrase go back to her with your answer.

My letter is :

  -  C  -    The next blog to visit is :

My craftwork this year is the second part of "sewing bells" with some Easter fabric I received from Jo!

It's full of lavander seeds, I'll show you the details in next Easter post!

Have fun discovering this year sentence and enjoying your travel particularly those days!

Amusez-vous bien à recomposer votre phrase et à découvrir tous ces blogs.

Joyeuses fêtes de Pâques à vous tous !   Happy Easter!

13 commentaires:

  1. Such pretty fabric for your sewing bell and it must smell heavenly with the lavender seeds. Thanks for the letter, Happy Easter.

  2. Super bell, I'll look out for the details, thank you for your letter, Happy Easter 🐣

  3. Lovely to meet you on the HOP - Thank you for your Spring Daffodil stitch.

  4. What cheery decorations and I bet they smell wonderful with the Lavender! Happy Easter!

  5. That is a lovely bell, and a beautiful letter C. Joyeux Paques!

  6. I always enjoy seeing your projects. You are very creative. Thanks for the letter.

  7. Thanks for taking part in the Easter Treasure Hunt this year. I love the bell you made using the fabric I sent. Lavender is a wonderful smell and supposed to help get a good night's sleep.

  8. Beautiful bell
    Thank you for the letter

  9. Happy Easter and thanks for the letter. Sweet bell.

  10. I love the daffodil in your letter, thanks!
    What a fun bell, great fabric.
    I hope you had a blessed Easter.

  11. Your bell ornament looks interesting. I hope you had a good Easter and thank you for the letter.

  12. Finally have time to hop along and collect letters. Thanks for sharing. Off to collect the rest.

  13. Your bell looks very spring-like! Thanks for the letter.
