dimanche 11 février 2024



It's the 10th of this month and Rachel from "Ten Hour Stitcher" welcome us and our Fully Finished achievements.

Please visit her blog and see all the finished projects of our stitching friends.


For the 5th birthday of her FFG SAL, Rachel invited us to celebrate it with a special post about our close to finish stitchings.

A few days before posting, I search for the pieces in my box of shame, most of them are waiting for frames but some will have other uses.     

As this little guy I keep to make a pouch for a special kitchen utensil. I have to get it out as I recently found back the fleece fabric I intend to sew inside. (Now as I'm preparing my post I'm looking for the utensil I have put in a box somewhere to save it, fingers crossed this could be my February FFO).

Une publication un peu particulière ce mois-ci autour de notre boîte (bien remplie) de broderies non totalement terminées.

Un petit échantillon des ouvrages qui attendent de meilleurs jours dans mes sacs.

I had a project of making cushions for the summer season for the wooden chairs on the terrasse with a poppy theme. Poppies cross stitched, sewed in patchwork, using different embroidery technics.

It was many years ago and we've got new chairs... but no finished cushions. Only one cross stitch with poppies! (those luckily can't fade).

Those three stitchings could have the right size for bags (maybe a tote bag) or pockets for needles. And the maze would be perfect for toys.

Parmi les broderies terminées ces dernières années, des coquelicots pour un projet de coussin, un labyrinthe qui serait parfait pour un sac de jouets, des chats qui pourraient décorer des pochettes.

Et bien sûr des jolis motifs en point de croix qui mériteraient de beaux encadrements pour décorer les murs de la maison.

Those would look great on the house walls in nice frames.

Then there are Christmas works.

After the store near to me closed, I decided I'll make frames after a first attempt no too bad at making a cardboard frame recovered with fabric for a small Christmas stitching.

But those two pieces are bigger and it's not so simple. I hope one day I'll find a nice way to do it.

 And small stitchings I wanted to sew for a patchwork winter cover.

A huge work as I first wanted to sew the piece on a green fabric to get squares of the same size then four strips around in the edelweiss thicker fabric then put all the pieces together.

I started some years ago and make the mistake to give my sewing machine to my daughter and bought a sophisticated new one with which I have more troubles than I should so my sewing list is still long.

Avec le thème de Noël, également quelques cadres et ces petits motifs cousus sur fond vert puis encadrés avec des bandes de tissu plus épais au motif d'édelweiss qui réunis tous ensemble sont supposés composer une couverture d'hiver. C'était le projet de base, auquel je dois redonner une chance (depuis j'ai donné ma machine à coudre à ma fille, racheter un modèle plus élaboré avec lequel j'ai beaucoup de soucis). Donc ma liste "couture" reste encore longue.

This a non-exhaustive list, as used to say my boss about my professional tasks. 

Will 2024 will be a good year for FF? It have to be, so back to my little rabbit. Ready with the cross stitch, the utensil and the fleece, here is my project for a pouch.

First choose a fabric for the back of the pocket. I chose a green fabric with cute mice among berries and leaves.

Add a ribbon to knot the scissors to keep them in place.

Je suis retombée un peu par hasard sur mon sac de tissu polaire, c'était donc l'occasion de réaliser cette pochette pour mon ciseau à oeuf montée avec la toile de lin associée à un joli tissu vert au motif feuillage et baies accueillant deux petites souris.

Montage des trois tissus ensemble avec repli, ajout d'un ruban pour attacher l'ustensile. Il me reste à coudre deux boutons pour la fermeture mais lesquels ?  Un conseil ?

Now I have to sew 2 buttons to close it, but which one?
Any advice?

And for those who are wondering what this tool is for...

it's for boiled eggs!
First you broke the shell with the beak and then you can
open "the scissors" to cut the top!
It was a gift from my German friend Ursula many years ago!

6 commentaires:

  1. I haven't seen scissors like that, they are super. You have a lot of lovely projects, great finish on your rabbit. I like the bottom buttom as it matches the light colour on its face.

  2. Your rabbit pouch is very cute! Looks like you got many more objects that wait for finishing...I always make big sewing plans too, then never get around to it. Maybe this will be the year!

  3. Thank you for entering February's FFG SAL. The late post in now up so please don't forget to go back and actually link up!
    You have some lovely projects waiting to be finished off, and luckily have ideas about how you want to FFO them. I'm particularly looking forward to seeing the poppy cushion, even if it will not yet be part of a set a s planned!

  4. Such a sweet collection of stitching. I have one of those egg scissors in my "stuff" along with egg cozies too. I love what you've made.

  5. I think you should try get the framed pieces done for next month, get them on the walls! I love the egg scissors and the design on the front of the holder is just perfect for the case.
    Serendipitous Jo

  6. Hi Jocondine. Thank you for introducing me to so many works. Even thought the them is a box of shame, there are many works that will make you fall in love with them.
    Japan also has scissors for cutting boiled eggs, but they are not cute.
    A very cute scissors case has been completed!🙌
