lundi 29 juillet 2024



Time to share with Melissa and the Wipocalypse family the projects we want to complete before the end of the world.

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Part of my Wipocalypse have been my project of Tour de France 6th edition. It started last Tuesday! The first stage took us to Allones.

Tomorrow I hope you'll join me for the second stage.

The Olympic Games begun last Saturday which means it's time for Wipolympics!

Nous y sommes ! Grande cérémonie d'ouverture et départ officiel pour mon Wipolympics Paris 2024 !

Ready to go! Big opening ceremony and the official start for my Wipolympics Paris 2024!

Two weeks with sport DIY

Escrime   /   Fencing   :  Metallic thread - Fil métallique 
finitions backstitch

Adding 40 little crosses in gold thread

Breaking : a new start for a new sport

Couldn't wait to start on perforated paper the skirt of "Spirit of Christmas carols".

Un nouvel ouvrage pour un nouveau sport. Trop impatiente de commencer la jupe de l'Esprit des chants de Noël.

Surf : la chevelure de mon gnome  /  gnome hair

More hair on the gnome head meant getting more red cord back.
Easy, only to buy chocolate from Papion (the shop is near our house so no hesitation on what gift to buy for friends).

Recycling two more lengths to be able to make two braids under the beret.

Sewing the locks I realize the color was a little lighter so I have sewed the second under the hair to have more volume.

I think I have enough hair now to make the two braids.

La chevelure de mon gnome nécessitait plus de volume, j'ai donc récupéré deux cordons supplémentaire sur les sacs de la chocolaterie Papion et ajouté des mèches. Je me suis rendue compte que le coloris était un peu plus clair donc les derniers ajouts ont été cachés sous la place des oreilles. Je pense avoir désormais assez de cheveux pour tresser deux jolies nattes.

Our reporters Nelson and Gérard with the Paralympic Phryge will be commenting all those events.

- How do you felt during those past days?

- I'm fine, so happy to start with some gold thread, maybe a good signe and a good omen!

Our fan team is also happy to share their joy with you!

Topic for July: Which of your current WIPs do you consider your most difficult piece to stitch?

It is the blackwork "Parisienne".

I bought it on a DIY fair as I found the design lovely but didn't realize that there were not a lot of cross stitching.

I have added it on my Wipolympics list to get nice progress on a WIP I usually neglect.

2 commentaires:

  1. Your Olympic stitching is so fun to read about! Great idea to upcycle that cord into gnome hair, and a great excuse to go buy chocolate as well :)

  2. I thought the small gold cross stitch was effective.
    Cord turns into hair. Beautiful blonde orange.
    The Olympics have begun.
    I hope that not only the Japanese players but all the players can do their best. Live broadcasts of the Olympics are held in the middle of the night in Japan, so it is difficult to watch them. We will know the match results in the morning. The competition has already ended, but since I was paying attention to equestrian sports this year, I would like to find some TV station archives and watch it.🐎
